Monthly Archives: May 2023

24th-27th May 2023 – Late Spring 4-day Private Tour

A 4-day Late Spring Private Tour arranged for Croydon RSPB Group. We enjoyed some nice weather, with lots of sunshine, but with a cool N/NE/E wind coming in off the North Sea. Camera failure means there are fewer images than normal for the blog this time…

Wednesday 24th May

The 24th was a half day, after the group had traveled up to Norfolk in the morning. We met up at Le Strange Arms in Hunstanton at 1pm. A Red-backed Shrike had been found in Burnham Overy Dunes in the morning, so we had a choice between going out to look for that, or opting for a more gentle introduction – the group voted for the former.

We parked in the car park at the Staithe and walked up the seawall. There were several Little Terns in the harbour, loafing on the sand on the far side of the channel or chasing round over the boats calling. A couple of Common Terns were dozing on the sand too.

Little Tern – fishing in the harbour

There were Sedge Warblers and Reed Warblers singing along the ditch below the bank and a couple of Common Pochard pulled out on the grass. A pair of Little Grebes swan past laughing. A Red Kite hung in the air above our heads.

Scanning up along the side of the channel, we found a distant Grey Plover in breeding plumage, a couple of Avocets and a Ringed Plover. There were not many waders on the mud out from the sluice now. A lone Brent Goose was in the channel in front of Gun Hill – the Brents have finally been leaving us in the last week, heading up to Siberia for the breeding season, and numbers have dropped sharply now. A Great White Egret flew past and dropped down into the reeds.

Great White Egret – flew past

We could hear Bearded Tits calling in the reedbed but it was a bit too breezy and all we could manage today were several views of one zipping across over the top of the reeds. A Cetti’s Warbler shouted from the brambles. A couple of Marsh Harriers drifted back and forth. There was no sign of any Great Crested Grebes on the pool today.

We had seen several lone Spoonbills flying out over the bank already, presumably heading out to the harbour to feed, but now we picked up four Spoonbills flying towards us. They came past quite close, two adults and two immatures.

Spoonbills – a flock of four flew past

Scanning the pools beyond the reeds, we could see two Pink-footed Geese still with the Greylags and Canada Geese. Probably shot and injured by wildfowlers, a small number cannot make the journey back to Iceland to breed so stay here all year with the other geese. There were a five or six Black-tailed Godwits dozing here, along with the breeding Lapwings and Avocets. A pair of Redshanks were alarm calling from the edge of the saltmarsh below us.

Continuing on towards the dunes, we could see a small group of people watching the Red-backed Shrike. It was very mobile and most of the people left as we walked out – the bird was last seen heading east through the dunes so when we got to the boardwalk we were not sure whether we needed to go east or west. Thankfully we could see one person still who seemed to be looking intently through their scope towards Gun Hill and scanning the bushes we quickly located the Shrike distantly away to the west, a female. It dropped down onto the edge of the suaeda, then flew back up into the dunes, so we set off along the top path to see if we could get a better view.

Half way to Gun Hill, we stopped on the top of the dunes to scan and found the Red-backed Shrike back down on the edge of the saltmarsh, where we had a nice view of it hunting. It gradually worked its way further out, where it was mobbed by the local Reed Buntings and Meadow Pipits and became increasingly mobile again. A pair of Stonechats were feeding from the tops of the suaeda bushes too.

Red-backed Shrike – a female

We had a quick look out to sea, where we picked up a couple of distant Sandwich Terns, then headed back through the dunes. There were lots of Linnets here and we eventually found a Wall Brown butterfly, which had been requested. The sun had just gone behind a cloud while we walked back, and needless to say when it came out again we saw lots more Wall Browns on the way back. We found a Small Copper too and we stopped to admire a Red-and-Black Froghopper in the alexanders on the bank too.

We could now see why the Redshanks had been alarm calling on the way out, as a small fluffy fresh juvenile appeared from the saltmarsh vegetation between them. A flock of Black-tailed Godwits came up from the mud by the sluice and there seemed to be something smaller and dumpier with them, so we walked back to have a closer look. The Black-tailed Godwits flew up again when we got there, but there was nothing with them as they settled back down on the mud. There were a couple of smart summer plumaged Turnstones here now and two Ringed Plovers.

Back to the minibus, and we drove back to Hunstanton. It had been a productive first afternoon, and we had more to look forward to tomorrow.

Thursday 25th May

We headed east along the coast this morning, to Cley. We had a quick stop to use the facilities and admire some moths at the moth morning which was underway, until the Visitor Centre opened. Then we headed out to the central hides.

There had been some stints on Simmond’s Scrape earlier, so we made straight for Dauke’s Hide. We quickly got the scope on a smart rusty breeding plumage Little Stint on one of the islands and the next thing we knew it was joined by a second stint, this time a Temminck’s Stint. It is unusual to see the two species together here so this was a good opportunty to compare them side by side.

Stints – Little right & Temminck’s left

There were four Common Sandpipers and a couple of Little Ringed Plovers on here too, but everything kept getting chased round by the Avocets. They have small juveniles now, and the adults are in the habit of chasing absolutely everything else off. Not very helpful! Two Little Terns landed on one of the islands.

Two Spoonbills appeared on Pat’s Pool, adults in breeding plumage. We got the scopes on them so we could admire their bushy nuchal crests. Then a shout from one of the locals alerted us to a Bittern which was flying across over the reedbed beyond. We watched it as it looped round over Bishop Hide and then dropped into the reeds beyond. A nice bonus!

Spoonbills – two dropped in

Mission accomplished here with the stints, we headed back to the Visitor Centre. After a short break to admire a moth which someone had brought in – Norfolk’s first Banded Pine Carpet, a rare migrant here in the UK – we then headed out onto the reserve again.

We headed down along the Skirts path to the East Bank. A female Common Pochard was down on Don’s Pool and a Little Grebe showed itself briefly between the reeds further back. We could hear Bearded Tits calling, but it was quiet breezy up here and they were keeping well down out of sight. A male Marsh Harrier flew towards us across the reeds and over the bank ahead of us. Several Sand Martins were hawking low over the reedbed looking for insects.

Marsh Harrier – a male over the reeds

The smaller pools on the grazing marsh are drying out quickly now, so we pressed on towards the Serpentine. There was more water here but not much in the way of birds today – Lapwing and Avocet, and a few ducks. There were a couple of young Great Black-backed Gulls with the Cormorants on Pope’s Pool beyond.

We found some shelter from the breeze on the back of the shelter overlooking Arnold’s Marsh. There were a couple more Little Terns on the brackish pools but it looks like the last of the Pintail has finally moved on. Out on Arnold’s Marsh, there were also fewer birds today, though we did find two Grey Plover towards the back, including one in smart black-faced breeding plumage.

On to the beach, and a Whimbrel flew over the shingle and disappeared off west as we arrived. We had a glimpse of a Gannet which appeared briefly above the shingle earlier, but there was not much moving offshore now, so we turned to walk back. It was lunchtime, so the pace picked up and we headed back to the picnic area at the Visitor Centre for a late lunch.

Afterwards, we drove east to Kelling. It was a bit more sheltered in the lane as we walked down towards the Water Meadow. We stopped to watch a couple of Brown Hares in the field next to the lane and two Red-legged Partridges walked past. A Chiffchaff was singing from a dead tree above the path and a Blackcap was singing from the copse. Scanning from the gate, we could see several more Brown Hares on the slope beyond.

Brown Hare – one of several

There were a few ducks on the Water Meadow Pool, but no sign of anything else. The resident pair of Egyptian Geese were hiding in the beck on the Quags and a Grey Heron appeared from the bank in front of them. There were several Linnets in the brambles on the far side of the Water Meadow.

Continuing on down towards the Hard, we turned up along the permissive path towards the gun emplacements. A Common Blue butterfly was fluttering around the short grass. There were more Linnets and Meadow Pipits here and a male Stonechat appeared on the bushes before flying up to perch on the concrete by the guns. There didn’t appear to be much out to the sea off here either, but one of the group spotted a single female Common Scoter asleep on the water off to our left.

We had been intending to call in at Stiffkey Fen on our way back, but we were short of time now and everyone had probably done enough walking for the day. Instead, we popped in briefly at North Point instead. There were lots of gulls on the east pool, including a good number of Lesser Black-backed Gulls. There were lots of Redshanks on the pool west of the track and one of the group had a glimpse of something which looked smaller, so we set off down the track to see if we could find it again. We couldn’t, but we did have nice close views of a Little Ringed Plover and a Common Sandpiper both on the near edge of the pool to the east now.

We had quite a long drive back to Hunstanton (and a malfunctioning camera to deal with), so it was time to call it a day and head for home.

26th May 2023

Today we headed in the other direction, and drove over towards the Wash at Snettisham. As we got out of the minibus, we could hear a Cuckoo calling from somewhere away over the marshes, but we couldn’t see it from here. As we walked up towards the Coastal Park, a couple of Bullfinches flew over the road but disappeared behind the bushes ahead of us.

A pair of Turtle Doves flew out of the bushes and dropped down through the trees the other side of the inner seawall as we passed, so we turned and walked up a short way to see if we could find them. We couldn’t, but we did have nice views of a Common Whitethroat singing in the bushes nearby. As we got back to the road, another Turtle Dove did the same thing, flew across the inner seawall and dropped down through the trees.

We decided to try our luck in the Coastal Park and we hadn’t gone far when we found another Turtle Dove on the wires. We got it in the scope, and even though we were looking into the sun we had a nice view of it now. A Turtle Dove started purring now from the bushes a bit further up, so we walked on to see if we could see that one, as the light would be much better. When we got there, we realised there were now three Turtle Doves purring. We eventually got one perched in the top of one of the hawthorns and had great views of it through the scopes.

Turtle Dove – purring

The Turtle Doves were displaying too, periodically flapping up into the sky, before gliding round with tail spread and dropping slowly back down into the trees. One circled right above our heads at one point. A magnificent sight and sound and so sad it has become so rare now.

There were still a few warblers singing – a Lesser Whitethroat rattled from deep in the bushes, we saw a couple of Common Whitethroat, one or two Blackcap were singing and lots of Chiffchaffs were chiffing and chaffing. A Reed Warbler obviously hadn’t read the field guide because it was singing from the bushes out towards the beach.

As we got to the open area, we heard a Cuckoo calling from towards the seawall, so we walked up to the concrete path and looked out at the burnt bushes the other side. The Cuckoo was there, but in the one bush with leaves which was just over the bank. We could see it perched in the top and got it in the scope, but it flew off before everyone could get a good look at it.

Cutting back across to the seawall, we climbed up and looked out across the Wash. The Ringed Plover was still on its nest in the cage on the beach and a couple of Oystercatchers were sleeping on the sand beyond. A little group of Sanderling were feeding along the shore, but kept getting pushed up and down by several dogwalkers – at least the dogs were put on leads today to walk past the cordons. The Sanderling look very different in breeding plumage, much darker than how we normally see them in winter, and they are very variable too, a pitfall for the unwary.

Sanderling – in breeding plumage

We walked on along the top of the seawall, surveying the destruction wrought by last summer’s fire. There were more Linnets and Meadow Pipits here and several more butterflies. We stopped when we got to the concrete bank and a Cuckoo flew in and landed in the top of a burnt bush close to us. Another Cuckoo flew in behind and the first flew after, presumably a male chasing after a female, we could hear the former calling as they wove in and out of the charred trees. A Turtle Dove flew in and dropped down nearby into the weedy vegetation which is growing up on the bank.

We cut across to the inner seawall and climbed up to scan Ken Hill Marshes the other side. One of the group spotted a Kingfisher on the fence further up, which we got in the scopes. It kept dropping down, presumably to fish in the ditch below, then landed back on another post a bit further along.

We walked on up along the bank until we could see the northernmost pools on Ken Hill Marshes. They are drying out quickly and getting very overgrown now, but we could see several hundred Oystercatchers roosting on there over high tide. A single grey Knot was in with them. The number of Black-tailed Godwits here has dropped, just two asleep today, and we couldn’t see any other waders beyond the resident Avocets, Lapwings and Redshank. One of the group glimpsed a Snipe on the pool in front of us, but it put its head down and we couldn’t find it in all the vegetation.

A smart male Marsh Harrier had been working up and down the inner seawall as we walked up and drifted past us a couple of times now as we started to walk back. A Turtle Dove was purring from the pine tree in the middle of the burnt area of the park. The southern part of Ken Hill Marshes is very overgrown this year and the only thing of note we saw on their was a pair of Little Grebes on the biggest pool.

We had to stop at the hotel to drop off one of the group, who had to get back, and after a break to use the facilities too it was time for a late lunch by the time we got round to Titchwell. Afterwards, we set off out to explore the reserve. There had been a Red-backed Shrike on the hedge along the side of the Thornham grazing meadow this morning, but checking in at the Visitor Centre, we heard that it hadn’t been seen for at least a couple of hours and had possibly moved off west.

It was warm in the shelter of the trees, but cool in the wind once we got out. There were several Swifts hawking low over the reedbed and Marsh Harriers hanging in the breeze further back. There were Reed Warblers and Sedge Warblers singing and we had the typical glimpse of a Cetti’s Warbler as it darted across a gap in the vegetation, but the Bearded Tits were very quiet today, perhaps not a surprise given the wind. A Grey Heron was hunting in one of the smaller pools and another was standing statuesque, like a pond ornament, in one of the pools by the main path.

We had a glimpse of a Little Gull which dropped down towards the freshmarsh over the far side of the reeds, so we continued on to the bank by Island Hide. We could see two Little Gulls hawking back and forth low over the water now, both 1st summers with black ‘w’ patterns on their wings. Several Common Terns were on the nearest island among the breeding Black-headed Gulls, several of which have fluffy young hatching now.

Someone came out of the hide to tell us that the Garganey, which had been feeding along the edge of the reeds, had flown off. We were just about to move on when it reappeared, swimming out from behind a line of reeds. It came much closer, down into the near corner, chased at one point by an aggressive Mallard. A male moulting into eclipse already, the Garganey is not at its smartest but still nice to see, possibly the same bird which has been at Thornham regularly recently. A female Common Pochard with seven tiny ducklings swam into the near corner too.

Garganey – moulting into eclipse

Continuing past Island Hide, we stopped again to scan. We turned the scope on a pair of Mediterranean Gulls on one of the islands right at the back, still standing out with their jet black hoods, excessive white eye-liner, and brighter red bills. A couple of Little Terns were just visible on one of the other islands. There were some drake Common Pochard dozing on the new bund and one or two Tufted Ducks too.

We pressed on round to Parrinder Hide, where we would be out of the wind and in the sun. We went into the further section to scan the far compartment of the Freshmarsh first, getting a slightly better view of the Mediterranean Gulls from here. Then we noticed the Little Stint on the mud in from of the other part of the hide. We had a look at it in the scopes from here, then crossed over for a closer look. It was getting absolutely no peace from the Avocets, which were chasing it round relentlessly whenever it landed. There was only one part of the far shore where it seemed to escape their attention – not a nice welcome for such a long-travelled visitor!

We decided to brace the breeze and make a bid for the beach. There was not much on Volunteer Marsh as we passed, but we did find a smart breeding plumage Turnstone on the back of the Tidal Pools. There were more waders out on the mussel beds – lots of Sanderling, six northbound Tundra Ringed Plovers (the northern subspecies tundrae of Common Ringed Plover), a couple of Curlew and several Bar-tailed Godwits including one male in rusty breeding plumage. Some distant Sandwich Terns flew past over the sea.

It was time to head back – and get out of the wind. As we passed the Tidal Pools, a Spoonbill flew over and disappeared off east. A Cuckoo was calling from the back of the reedbed now. We had a quick look to see if the Red-backed Shrike might have reappeared, but still no sign, so it was time to call it a day.

Saturday 27th May

A half day again today, and we planned to use the morning to try to catch up with a couple of things we had missed. First we had a quick look at Holkham to see if we could find any Grey Partridge. They are breeding at the moment, and with the vegetation in the fields high now too, they are not as easy to find as they are in the winter. Unfortunately there was no sign of either of the pairs along Lady Anne’s Drive, where the vegetation is still relatively short, although we did hear a Willow Warbler singing in the trees.

The Long-billed Dowitcher had been seen on each of the previous two mornings from the seawall at Burnham Overy with the Black-tailed Godwits (presumably the same bird we had glimpsed there on Wednesday), so we walked out next to see if we could catch up with it on the rising tide. We walked down Whincover this time, across the grazing marshes. A Common Whitethroat was singing from the parking area as we got out and a Yellowhammer flew over the track as we started down.

A Chiffchaff was singing above us from the hedge and down at the gate, the same or another male Yellowhammer perched nicely for us in the top of a tree. There were a couple of Sedge Warblers and Reed Warblers singing from the ditches by the track and a Cetti’s Warbler flew across. We saw several more Wall Brown butterflies along the track too.

Yellowhammer – posed nicely

When we got up onto the seawall, there was no sign of any Black-tailed Godwits on the mud. Another group was just leaving so we asked them what they had seen. The godwits had apparently been spooked by some swimmers and flown off towards Holkham. Someone earlier had claimed to have seen something smaller with them, but apparently when they flew off they were on their own.

There was a nice Great White Egret perched up in the reeds and a Marsh Harrier. The pair of Great Crested Grebes had reappeared today on the pool. We walked a little further up, to look at the muddy scrapes just beyond the reedbed, but there were only two Black-tailed Godwits on there today and nothing with them either. We decided to head back.

We had a quick look in at Stiffkey Fen to finish. An Oystercatcher was tucked down in the flowers opposite the layby when we pulled up and a Lesser Whitethroat was singing in the hedge along the permissive footpath beyond. A family of Long-tailed Tits were in the trees by the river as we set off along the footpath down towards the seawall. Looking over the brambles towards the Fen, we could see a Little Ringed Plover displaying and a Marsh Harrier appeared above the reeds.

From up on the seawall, we could see a single Spoonbill over in the far corner which we got in the scopes before it flew off back out over the harbour. There were at least five Little Ringed Plovers now, but no sign of any other unusual waders. With the bright sunny weather over the last couple of days, there appeared to have been a bit of a clear out.

Wall Brown – butterfly of the trip!

There had been an Osprey reported over Blakeney Harbour this morning, but despite scanning we could find no sign of it now. It is a beautiful view from here though, looking out over towards Blakeney Point, so we spent the last minutes of the morning in the sunshine enjoying the vista, before it was time to head back to Hunstanton and wrap up the tour.

17th-23rd May 2023 – A week of Spring Days

No group tours for the last week, but a series of single-day Private Tours. No time to write up each one individually, so here are some highlights from the last week. The weather has been dry, bright and mostly sunny, but with a cold north wind at times which has made it chilly on the coast on some days, but warm out of it and when it drops.

Waders are continuing to come through, on their way north to breed, at the moment. The rarest of them was a Broad-billed Sandpiper which spent a couple of hours on a pool from the seawall at Burnham Deepdale on Thursday. We were just heading out when news came through and decided to head straight over. It was always a bit distant – too far for photos – but we were lucky as it was flushed by a Marsh Harrier and flew off just after we left. A Bittern flew past while we were there too!

There have been good numbers of Temminck’s Stints along the coast this week, with multiple birds at several locations. This one was at Titchwell yesterday.

Temminck’s Stint – at Titchwell

There have been small numbers of Wood Sandpipers stopping off here too this week. A few Ruff continue to linger and any males are now starting to get their outlandish colourful breeding headgear. Grey Plovers and Sanderling are always among the latest species to head up to their arctic breeding grounds and some of them are looking particularly smart in breeding plumage now.

Wood Sandpiper – stopping off

Our breeding season is now well underway, with lots of juvenile Avocets and Lapwings hatching now and the Little Ringed Plovers are very active, displaying.

Little Ringed Plover – lots around now

Among our other scarcer summer visitors, the Turtle Doves continue to perform – we have spent several mornings out listening to them purring and watching them in the hawthorn blossom and display flighting overhead. There are still one or two Garganey around too, which have been showing most days, although one of the drakes at least is already starting to moult out of its smart breeding plumage. For some species, the breeding season is largely over already!

Turtle Dove – showing well

One of the other highlights at Titchwell this last week has been the Little Gulls, which have been showing very well hunting over the freshmarsh, often close in front of Island Hide. Up to four, and all 1st summers at the moment, they have been showing off the black ‘w’ pattern across their upperwings. The Mediterranean Gulls are looking very smart now in breeding too.

Little Gull – 1st summer

There have been some surprises too. On Friday, we had just left Titchwell at the end of the day and were driving back inland when we glimpsed a very slim-looking harrier which appeared briefly over the hedge. Cue an emergency stop! We found somewhere to pull off the road and managed to climb up to look over the hedge just in time to see a young (2nd calendar year) Montagu’s Harrier working its way away over the fields to the west. On our way back on another day, a Goshawk flew over the road in front of us.

Montagu’s Harrier – a 2cy male

Not a tour, but a trip out east to see family on Saturday was conveniently combined with a visit to see the Caspian Tern at Hickling. Also a 1st summer, on some days it has been showing very well on Brendan’s Marsh, between feeding out over the surrounding broads.

Caspian Tern – 1st summer

The Common Cranes were also showing well here, with several birds flying over. Another Temminck’s Stint was on Brendan’s Marsh too and a Hobby flew in over the reeds.

Common Crane – circled over

But the big surprise at Hickling was hearing a liquid ‘quilp’ call behind and turning to see 12 Bee-eaters flying towards us at eye level! They swept straight past and disappeared off towards Horsey Mere. The previous day, they had been in Yorkshire, heading south along the coast and roosting overnight at Gibraltar Point in Lincolnshire. They had been watched heading off south at about 9.15am, but money would have been on them following the coast or heading due south through the Fens. What chance them overflying the middle of the Broads where people happened to be gathered watching the Caspian Tern?! Will they settle down to breed somewhere again?

Hopefully the excitement will continue for the coming weeks. Nightjars are now in, and we are starting to spend our evenings out watching and listening to them out on the heaths. With the warmer weather, insects are starting to emerge and the first Swallowtails have been seen down in the Broads in the last couple of days. We still have spaces on our Summer 3-day Tour on 9th-11th June, so if you like the sound of Nightjars, Stone Curlews, Cranes and Bitterns, Swallowtails and more, you would be very welcome to join us. There may even be some more surprises to come too.

14th May 2023 – Four Days of Spring, Day 4

Day 4 of a 4-day Spring Tour, our last day. It was forecast to warm up today, but it was slow coming. We were still in our winter coats, hats and gloves in the morning and it wasn’t until lunchtime that the sun finally came out and we couldn’t shed layers fast enough! There was a 10C swing during the day, from 8C in the morning to a high of 18C in the afternoon.

We had an earlier start this morning and headed down to Suffolk, leaving cars in Swaffham where we would finish up later. We were looking for Nightingales, but it was decidedly chilly when we arrived and got out of the minibus and there were few birds singing. We could hear a Yellowhammer in the distance.

As we walked down the road, a few birds started to sing – Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler, Blackcap, Common Whitethroat and Garden Warbler. A Goldcrest sang nearby and a couple of Long-tailed Tits flicked through. We heard our first Nightingale further down and walked on to listen, but it was only singing half-heartedly and quickly gave up. Another started up further along still, so we carried on and a third Nightingale began to sing too. We stopped to listen to the two of them duetting, although still neither of them really giving it both barrels.

We realised that one of the Nightingales was very close to the fence, so we edged down and, looking round from behind the trees, we could see it in a small bush. We were looking through the bare branches and it wasn’t a clear view, but it did remain in view for a couple of minutes so we could all get a good look at it, before it dropped down into the vegetation below.

Nightingale – through the branches

A Green Woodpecker yaffled and flew over and our first Cuckoo of the day called in the distance and we saw it flying off away from us over the trees too. There were a couple of Common Whitethroats singing in the bushes and a smart male Yellowhammer flicked between the tops of the trees. Down at the bottom, we looked out over the airfield and found a single Stone Curlew on the short grass. A Common Buzzard was preening on the fence nearby.

Walking back up the road, one of the Nightingales sang a bit more strongly for a minute, so we paused to listen. We cut in on one of the smaller paths, and found another Nightingale singing in the trees, but it was well hidden and we couldn’t see where it was perched before eventually it stopped.

Out into the open, we stopped to watch another Yellowhammer singing from a small hawthorn and a Willow Warbler flew in, landed below it, and started singing too. There were more Garden Warblers singing in the bushes beyond – perhaps, having arrived later, they were more programmed to keep singing despite the cold weather.

Yellowhammer – singing

It was already mid-morning, and there was still no sign of it brightening up yet. It felt like those birds which had been singing were starting to go quiet, so we decided to move on. As we walked back towards the minibus, we heard a female Cuckoo bubbling behind us and turned to see it perched on the wires. It flew and came across the heath towards us, pursued now by a male Cuckoo which started to call.

Cuckoo – a female

Our next destination was Lakenheath Fen. We checked in at the Visitor Centre and stopped for a hot drink to warm up. As we had some mobility limitations, we were very kindly granted a permit to drive up to the small car park by New Fen today. We disembarked and walked over to the New Fen Viewpoint – there were a couple of Greylags and a Tufted Duck on the pool. We could hear Cuckoos calling and a female flew out of Trial Wood and then back in to the poplars, where it landed briefly. Our first Hobby of the day was a rather distant one, circling over West Wood.

We took the small path through the reeds. A Sedge Warbler was flitting around low down in the reeds and singing occasionally and showed well. Along the path, there were more Reed Warblers singing so we stopped to listen to a couple and try to hear the difference in song between the two species. We heard Bearded Tits pinging from the reeds too, but they remained down out of sight.

Sedge Warbler – singing

Three Marsh Harriers circled low over the reeds, two males and a female. Another Hobby drifted over, catching insects over the reeds before flying away and landing in East Wood. A (Eurasian) Curlew flew over and disappeared over away across the river and having heard them calling we saw two Stock Doves which flew out of Trial Wood and off over the reeds too. A Water Rail squealed from deep in the reeds.

Just past the junction to Mere Hide, we stopped to listen to a male Bittern booming in the reeds – an impressive sound, like a foghorn or someone blowing across the top of an improbably large bottle. While we were standing here, we talked about Bittern movements and related the story of the ringed female Bittern which has been returning here each year to breed. Having been found by a small pond in Letchworth in September 2016, possibly after a brush with a car, it was released at Rye Meads once it had recovered.

We first photographed a ringed female Bittern at Lakenheath in June 2017 and with so few Bitterns ringed, it seemed most likely it would be the same bird, but it was not confirmed until May 2018 when someone else managed to get some more photos and could read part of the ring number. This bird had been seen over the winter back at Amwell, so it appears to commute between the two areas. We had seen it again here last year.

Bittern – flew across

We had just finished the story when someone spotted a Bittern flying towards us over the reeds. It turned across the path in front of us and dropped down into the reeds just a short distance from where we were standing. It couldn’t be could it? Sure enough, checking the photos, it was the female Bittern with the ring on its left leg, back again here for its 7th year! What were the chances of that?!

Bittern – the ringed bird!

There was no sign of the Bittern in the reeds, so we carried on along the path. A pair of Great Crested Grebes were on one of the pools and we could see that one was carrying a couple of stripy-headed juveniles on its back.

Great Crested Grebe – with juveniles aboard

The sun was finally starting to come out and we had brought our lunches with us, so we settled in at Joist Fen Viewpoint to enjoy the view and eat. Gradually the layers of clothes came off, hats and gloves, coats and fleeces too.

As the temperatures climbed, the number of Hobbys increased steadily. There were about 15 when we arrived but by the time we left there were a minimum of 50 – so many, they were increasingly hard to count, but a very impressive sight. From time to time, one or two would drift closer, overhead at times, and we could watch them catching and eating insects on the wing.

Hobby – one of 50+
Hobby – occasionally overhead

Thankfully, some of the group were looking the other way, as a Bittern flew across behind us and landed in the reeds. About an hour later, it came back out and flew over the path, dropping into the reeds at the back of one of the small pools the other side, where it was just visible for a minute or so before it walked deeper in. We had certainly been spoiled for Bittern sightings this week!

There were Cuckoos back and forth at times too and Marsh Harriers circling up over the reedbed. A Lapwing was displaying out over the pool in front, twisting and turning and singing, but struggling to command the attention of the gathered photographers who were all bewitched by the other species on show. A Cetti’s Warbler taunted us from an elder bush to one side of the viewpoint.

As the weather warmed up, there were more insects too. Butterflies out now included Orange Tip, Green-veined White, Peacock and Red Admiral. There were several damselfies in the vegetation too, including our first Variable Damselfly and Red-eyed Damselfly, plus Large Red and Azure Damselflies.

Variable Damselfly – our first this year

Eventually, we had to tear ourselves away and walk back. It was a bit quieter now, in the heat of the day, but there were several Hairy Dragonflies hawking along the sides of the path by Trial Wood and two Cuckoos flew across over New Fen, bidding us farewell. Back at the Visitor Centre, it was not hot drinks on the menu now, but ice cream. What a difference a couple of hours makes!

We had a quick look at the Washland, but there apart from lots of Mute Swans and Gadwall, there was not much else of note on here today. A couple of Grey Herons circled up in the sunshine.

We had time for one last quick stop on our way back, so we called in at Weeting Heath. The Stone Curlews were showing very well from West Hide, the pair with two chicks now and walking around with them, feeding actively despite it being the heat of the afternoon, although a little bit of high hazy cloud helped to reduce the heat haze.

Stone Curlews – adult & juvenile
Stone Curlews – the pair

A Eurasian Curlew lifted its head, stood up and turned round, and then settled back down to incubate its eggs. When it went back to sleep it all but disappeared. A nice way to end, we headed back to Swaffham and said our goodbyes.

13th May 2023 – Four Days of Spring, Day 3

Day 3 of a 4-day Spring Tour today. It was another cloudy & grey day, but thankfully remained dry after some misty drizzle first thing. It was chilly again, a maximum of 11C but feeling colder in the brisk northerly wind, very un-springlike once more.

Our destination for the morning was Burnham Overy. As we parked at the Staithe, there were lots of Swifts over the car park and low over the houses, and a few House Martins too, the first we have seen. There have been none around some of their traditional breeding sites the last few days, so hopefully they have just been looking for food elsewhere.

We walked out along the seawall. A Sedge Warbler was singing from the brambles below the bank and a Cetti’s Warbler shouted from along the edge of the ditch. A Little Grebe was in the channel along with several Common Pochard.

A Little Egret was feeding along the edge of the harbour channel. Looking further up, we could see a couple of Grey Plovers on the far side and a pair of Little Terns flew round calling and landed on the sandbar in the middle where they went to sleep. There are still good numbers of Brent Geese here and a large flock flew up from the saltmarsh and landed in the harbour channel. As we walked on, we found another couple of Grey Plovers were on the mud on the near side.

Grey Plover – on the mud

A Great White Egret flew in, its long legs stretched out behind it, and landed on a small pool out on the grazing marsh. It was sporting a dark grey bill, typical of birds in the breeding season but always a pitfall for the unwary looking for its non-breeding yellow bill. A Grey Heron made a beeline for it, chasing after it and the two of them flew round together, so we could see how similar they are in size. The Grey Heron wouldn’t let the Great White Egret settle, and it eventually flew off back towards the harbour.

Great White Egret – chased off by the Grey Heron

A 1st summer Little Gull flew across over the grazing marshes to the south of us and we watched it disappeared off over Whincover and quickly away to the east. We could see the dark ‘w’ mark on its upperwings. There were lots of Black-tailed Godwits on the muddy spur of the channel along with another couple of Grey Plover. There were several Shelduck and Avocets too and three Great Crested Grebes flew over and off towards the outer harbour.

We stopped on the corner by the junction with Whincover. Four Pink-footed Geese were out on the grass with the Greylags, at least one had an obviously damaged wing when it flapped. Most of the Pink-footed Geese have left for Iceland for the breeding season, but a small number usually linger, typically sick of injured birds which have been shot and wounded by wildfowlers and can’t make the long journey north.

Our first Spoonbill of the day flew over – we would see several flying in and out from the colony this morning. There was another pair of Great Crested Grebe on the reedbed pool and a couple more Great White Egrets flew in and out of the reeds. We listened for the Bittern which has been booming here recently but it was quiet today – it was probably just a bit too chilly for much activity.

Skylark – by the path

There were more Brent Geese on the saltmarsh further up and we stopped to watch a Skylark feeding on the side of the path ahead of us. There were several Reed Buntings singing in the suaeda bushes below the bank as we walked on towards the dunes. Scanning around the various herds of cows, we picked up a Cattle Egret very distantly on the grazing marsh towards Holkham, but before we could get the scope on it, it flew off towards the trees beyond.

Reed Bunting – singing male

Out at the boardwalk bushes, there was no sign of any migrants today, though hard to tell whether the single Chiffchaff was on its way somewhere or resident, whereas the Common Whitethroat would almost undoubtedly be breeding here. A couple of Sedge Warblers were singing in the bushes too. There were several Linnets, and we stopped to admire a smart pink-breasted male on the top of the bushes when another darker male flew in and landed in the brambles right beside us.

Linnet – in the boardwalk bushes

As we walked into the dunes beyond, a pair of Stonechats was alarm calling, presumably with a nest nearby. Over forty Linnets were feeding on the short grass beyond, nice to see them doing well here for a bird which has declined so sharply in farmland. Several Meadow Pipits flew up and down from the fence.

We carried on to the next ridge in the dunes. There were more Linnets, a couple of Lapwings, and two Brown Hares on the grass. We had a better view over the grazing marshes from the top of the dunes here and we found another Cattle Egret in the distance with the cows. It was hidden down in a reedy channel at first, but then flew round and landed in full view briefly. We could see the short orange bill and orange wash on the top of its head.

Little Tern – feeding in the harbour

There was no sign of any migrants in the bushes, so we decided to walk back. A Whimbrel flew over the seawall and out across the grazing marsh and a flock of Dunlin was on the sandbar in the harbour now. Four Little Terns were feeding over the harbour channel now, as the waters rose, along with four Common Terns too. We could hear Bearded Tits in the small reedbed towards the village, but only saw one briefly in flight a couple of times. A Cuckoo was calling back by the village, but distant.

Back to the minibus, we drove round to Holkham for lunch. There had been a Garganey here on the pools by Lady Anne’s Drive but there was no sign of it now, nor were there any Grey Partridges in view. A Mistle Thrush was collecting food on the grass by the top of the Drive, presumably with young in the nest in the nearby trees.

Mistle Thrush – collecting food

We ate lunch on the picnic tables by the Lookout. We could hear Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler singing in the trees. Several more Spoonbills flew in and out over the grazing marshes and one tried to sneak past over the pines behind us. There were lots of Common Swifts hawking for insects over the grazing marshes towards Wells.

Back to the minibus, we set off back towards the main road, but noticed two brown lumps in the grass in the overflow parking area where there weren’t any lumps earlier. An unscheduled stop to check and sure enough there were two Grey Partridge, so we got out and got the scope on them.

We drove west to Thornham Harbour now. There had been no sign of the Garganey there this morning, but it does come and go and as we walked up onto the bank we found a group people watching it. We had very good views of it on the small flood below the bank, swimming round feeding and calling on and off. It already appears to be starting its moult into eclipse plumage. Then it flew to the next flood along, and started bathing on the far shore before it was chased off by a Coot and flew on again to the big flood beyond.

Garganey – starting to moult

There were two Wood Sandpipers on the big flood, which worked their way gradually closer to us as they fed, and we had some very nice views through the scope of this very smart migrant wader, on their way north to Scandinavia and stopping here to feed before making the journey across the North Sea. A female Lapwing on the near edge of the water had two small juveniles. She was sheltering one at first, the other feeding nearby, before she flew off and left them – so much for wader childcare!

Wood Sandpiper – 1 of 3 here

Looking out across the harbour, there were several Grey Plover, including a couple of very smart males in full breeding plumage, with jet black faces and bellies. A single Bar-tailed Godwit was feeding on the mud down in the channel and a Curlew dropped in briefly. We could see more small waders out on the beach beyond, including several Ringed Plover, Sanderling and Turnstone. A small group of 1st summer drake Common Eider were diving in the outer channel, but were disturbed by the assistant warden from Holme checking the tern cordon. Two Little Terns flew round over the beach.

Bar-tailed Godwit – in the harbour

The Garganey had flown further up the big flood and gone to sleep. Looking over we could see three Wood Sandpipers now, in and out of the tufts of vegetation. The Garganey eventually woke up and started feeding again, and came much closer, down to the corner where we were standing, but wouldn’t lift its head! As we walked back to the minibus, we stopped to watch a Little Egret which was feeding on the near edge of the first flood. A Grey Heron was stalking round the edge of the reeds, eyeing up the ducklings.

We drove back to Wells and called in at North Point on our way back to finish the day, to see if any waders had dropped in. There were lots of Swifts, Swallows and Sand Martins hawking over the pools and we just caught the back end of a Hobby disappearing off east as we got out of the minibus. Two more Wood Sandpipers had just been found here, and we could see at least one of them on the back of the central pool from the car park. Two Marsh Harriers were grappling over the rape field in front of us and a Common Buzzard drifted over Wells beyond. Several Brown Hares were hiding out on the grass.

Common Swift – hawking over the pools

Walking down the track, we could see lots of gulls the other side, on the eastern pool, mostly Herring and Lesser Black-backed Gulls and Black-headed Gulls, but with a couple of Common Gulls too. Apart from Lapwings and Redshank, the only other wader we could find was a single Little Ringed Plover over towards the back. A Spoonbill flew over and disappeared off towards Wells.

It was time to head back – one more day tomorrow, and hopefully warmer weather forecast.

12th May 2023 – Four Days of Spring, Day 2

Day 2 of a 4-day Spring Tour today. In contrast to yesterday, it was a very grey and windy day today, and much cooler. It really didn’t feel like spring! A band of rain was forecast to pass over around the middle of the day, and indeed it did, even if the timing was not quite what was expected. Still, we persevered and had a good day out in which we managed to avoid getting too wet too.

Our destination for the morning was Cley. We parked below Walsey Hills and as we walked along past Snipe’s Marsh, a Reed Warbler was singing from the reeds.

When we got up on the East Bank, a male Marsh Harrier was quartering over the reeds beyond. We stood for a while and scanned the reeds and marshes, keeping one eye on North Foreland plantation behind us. A couple of Little Egrets flew out of the trees and headed out across the reserve. A family of Coot was on Don’s Pool, the young still with bare red heads, and a Little Grebe appeared briefly. A drake Common Pochard was further up the channel in the reeds. Out on the grazing marsh the other side, a couple of Lapwings were displaying and a flock of Black-tailed Godwits flew over.

We looked back to see a Spoonbill fly out of the trees now, and drop down onto a small pool on the grazing marsh. It started feeding, with its head down, then walked out and across to the next pool. We had some nice views of it in the scope, an adult with yellow-tipped black bill and shaggy nuchal crest. It flew further back and walked down into the channel out of view, and a few minutes later, flew back towards the trees. What was presumably a second Spoonbill then flew out and did a similar thing, flying back this time with nest material in its bill.

Spoonbill – commuting to and from the marshes

Continuing up along the bank, the Bearded Tits were keeping down due to the wind today. We heard calling a few times, and had some brief glimpses of birds flying over the reeds. A Sedge Warbler was singing from the channel below the bank.

Up at the Serpentine we spotted a Common Sandpiper feeding along the muddy edge at the far end. By the time we got up there, another two Common Sandpipers had appeared and we watched the three of them running round on the mud together with a Redshank. A couple of Cormorants and a young Great Black-backed Gull were on the islands on Pope’s Pool at the back, but otherwise it was fairly quiet out here today.

Common Sandpiper – 1 of 3 on the Serpentine

We pressed on to the shelter by Arnold’s Marsh and settled onto the bench on the back, out of the wind, overlooking the Brackish Pools. A single female Pintail was still lingering with the other ducks out in the middle. We braved the other side of the shelter briefly, but there was not much out on Arnold’s Marsh today, probably due to the wind.

Continuing on to the beach, there were a few terns feeding offshore, a pair of Little Terns battling in to the wind, three or four Common Terns slightly to the east of us and a single Sandwich Tern which flew west. A couple of adult Gannets flew past further out. It was rather blustery out here and everyone was getting cold, so we didn’t spend too long out here today, and set off to walk back. A few of the Black-tailed Godwits had dropped down onto the Serpentine to feed now.

We had a quick look in the trees at Walsey Hills, where it was a little more sheltered. There were plenty of Goldfinches, plus a few Chaffinches and tits coming to the feeders. The Garden Warbler which had been singing in the trees up by the ringing hut had retreated to the willows this morning. We stopped to listen and compare the songs of Blackcap and Garden Warbler here. We could hear Skylarks singing over the fields beyond, but they had gone quiet by the time we got out of the bushes.

It was spitting with rain already, earlier than forecast, so we made our way round to the Visitor Centre, to get a hot drink and warm up and get permits to use the hides. The rain was already getting heavier by the time we were ready to set off, but we waited for a bit of a lull and then walked out, thankfully not getting too wet in the process.

From Dauke’s Hide, we looked out at Simmond’s Scrape. A small flock of Dunlin was very jumpy in the wind, repeatedly taking off and whirling round, and there were more Black-tailed Godwits feeding in the shallow water. Several Avocets were still down on nests incubating. A female Lapwing was sheltering a juvenile under its breast feathers on the bank right in front of the hide, which then came out and ran around in the grass.

Lapwing – the juvenile

A pair of Gadwall swam across the channel and climbed up onto the bank in front of us, allowing us to get a very close view of the complex patterning of the drake’s plumage. A female Mallard swam across too, with several ducklings.

Gadwall – a smart drake

Scanning over Pat’s Pool, a we found another Common Sandpiper on the muddy bank in the corner. A Little Ringed Plover dropped in on the mud too, but quickly disappeared in behind the humps. A single Bar-tailed Godwit appeared with the Black-tailed Godwits and a Curlew dropped in briefly, before flying on west. Perhaps some migrant waders were moving today, despite the weather.

There were lots of Sand Martins hawking low over the water and several along the far bank, in the lee of the reedbed, even landing on the mud. Probably wishing they had not made the long journey back here from Africa! A Bittern boomed briefly and a male Marsh Harrier flew in with prey, but dropped down into the reeds out of view rather than waiting for the female to come up.

We could see brighter sky beyond Sheringham, and the darker cloud cleared through fairly quickly and the rain stopped. We walked back and it was dry now. We had a quick stop in at the Visitor Centre to use the facilities, but it was too windy for lunch at the picnic area today, so we drove round to the beach car park and found somewhere to sit out of the wind in the beach shelter, looking out over the Eye Field.

We were just finishing lunch, when we spotted a flock of twenty Whimbrel flying west over Eye Field. Looking more closely, we realised there was a single Bar-tailed Godwit in with them. Nice to see migrants definitely on the move today. There were a few terns offshore here too, including two Little Terns and a Sandwich Tern. A distant small flock of Common Scoter flew past.

Whimbrel – mostly, spot the odd one out!

After lunch, we drove east and stopped for a quick look at the pools along Iron Road. The cows were taking an interest in us and followed as we walked out, but despite looking carefully we couldn’t see anything around their feet today. There were just a couple of Redshank on the muddy pool to the east and a pair of Wigeon were the only thing of note on the main pool.

We continued on to Kelling and walked down the lane. Lots of Rooks were flying in and out of the pines behind the school and a large number of Woodpigeons were in the cultivated field to the west. We stopped to admire some Brown Hares hunkered down in the weedy field next to the lane, and found several Red-legged Partridges in there too. There was not much singing in the wind in the hedges along the lane. Down by the gate, we could see more Hares on the slope in the field beyond the Water Meadow.

There was not much on the Water Meadow pool today, just a pair of Egyptian Geese and several Mallard. A Common Whitethroat was singing from the brambles along the path to the Hard and a Reed Bunting was doing its best from the back of the blackthorn. We looked up to see three Hares chasing round at the top of the grassy slope, and saw some brief fighting but not really full on boxing this afternoon.

Brown Hares – fighting

There were lots of Linnets and Meadow Pipits in the bushes behind the Hard and three Stonechats down in the grass below the gun emplacements, but no sign of any migrants here today. We turned round and set off back. A Kestrel was hovering on the edge of the Quags in front of us, so we stopped to marvel at how it still managed to keep its head so still, despite the wind.

Kestrel – hovering

We had a quick look in at Stiffkey Fen to finish. A Lesser Whitethroat was singing by the road as we got out. Taking the house down by the river, there were no House Martins round the house today – hopefully there is still time for them to return. A female Bullfinch and a couple of Long-tailed Tits flicked off ahead of us in the sallows above the path.

Looking over the reeds from the path, we could see a Spoonbill on the Fen, but we had a better view from up on the seawall. At least until it went to sleep – typical Spoonbill!

Spoonbill – asleep

A Whimbrel was preening behind the reeds on the near side of the Fen before it flew off past us and out into the harbour. There were several Black-tailed Godwits and Avocets, but otherwise all we could find here was another Common Sandpiper on here today.

Whimbrel – off towards the harbour

It was still grey and windy and feeling cold, so we made our way back. Hopefully the weather might be better tomorrow.

11th May 2023 – Four Days of Spring, Day 1

Day 1 of a 4-day Spring Tour today. It was a bright day with lots of sunshine in the morning. Although it threatened rain over lunchtime, the dark clouds remained mostly to the south of us and when they eventually moved off the sun came out again. It even felt like spring at times!

Our destination for the morning was Snettisham. A Swallow was singing from the wires beside the road as we parked and got out of the minibus.

Swallow – singing on the wires

As we walked up along the road, we spotted out first Turtle Dove of the morning on the wires above the bushes. We got it in the scope, a good view of its rusty scaled back and barred black and white neck patch, but it dropped before everyone got a look. Not to worry. As we walked in through the bushes, another Turtle Dove was purring ahead of us now. It was hard to find an angle to get a clear view at first, but we followed it was it flew up in display flight, and landed again. We just found a gap in the bushes where we could see it when it flew up again, and landed out of view.

A third Turtle Dove started purring now, in the bushes back along the path, so we walked back and found this one showing very well in the top of one of the hawthorns. We got the scope on this one and watched as it switched between purring and preening. We could still hear the one we had just been trying to follow, plus another which had started up behind us now. What a wonderful sound to stand and listen to, and such a shame it has become such a rare occurrence now.

Turtle Dove – purring in the hawthorns

Eventually, the Turtle Dove we were watching flapped up in display flight too, circled round, and landed again out of view. As we carried on through the bushes, two Bullfinches flew out and across the path ahead of us. We came out into the open grassy area, where two Common Whitethroats and a Chiffchaff were singing from the bushes, the latter perching on the top of a tall bare stem right behind us. There was a large flock of Linnets feeding on the ground here and when they spooked and flew round we could see a Greenfinch with them.

We cut across and up onto the outer seawall, as a Stonechat flew past. We scanned the rope cordons up along the beach, but there was no sign of any Ringed Plovers at first, just a pair of Oystercatchers asleep further up. Several Sanderling were feeding along the shore, mostly looking rather dark now, moulting into their very different breeding plumage. Then a couple of Ringed Plovers flew in from behind and landed on the beach right below us, not in the cordons. One started displaying, flying round with exaggerated wingbeats over the edge of the Wash.

Ringed Plover – not in the cordon

Walking on up the seawall, there were several butterflies out in the sunshine now – several Wall Brown chasing round over the marram and a Small Copper briefly feeding on a dandelion. A flock of Oystercatchers flew past over the water, looking like a picture in the sunlight. We looked inland to the north and could see they were being put up off Ken Hill Marshes by a couple of Red Kites circling over. A Meadow Pipit was singing and we looked over to see two on the rope fence of the cordon, which then took off and started fighting over the path ahead of us.

The park here was very badly burnt in a major fire last summer, and we could see all the charred remains of the dead trees ahead of us now. Very few appear to be resprouting, so it will sadly take many years for the site to recover. We cut back down into the middle, where a Reed Warbler was singing by one of the pools and two Sedge Warblers chased round over a patch of brambles which had escaped the fire.

Another Turtle Dove started purring ahead of us, and we watched launch up in display flight and land back down in one the charred and blackened trees. It was sad to see it like this – there were several territories at this end of the park last year, before the fire. A Whimbrel flew past, followed by a Curlew, heading for the Wash. Then surprise of the morning, a Barn Owl appeared, hunting along the base of the inner seawall. It was a bit late in the morning for one to be out, but perhaps it has hungry young to feed somewhere. Interestingly, there was a Barn Owl here last year which was also very active during the day.

We climbed up the bank and onto the top of the inner seawall. A couple of Swifts zoomed back and forth past us low over the bank and a Lapwing was displaying over the marshes beyond. As we walked north, the Barn Owl came back the other way along the bank and out over the marshes past us.

Barn Owl – still out hunting
Barn Owl – flew past us

Up past the kissing gate, we could see lots of Oystercatchers roosting on the scrapes, waiting out high tide on the Wash. Everything was put up by a Marsh Harrier circling over, and a large flock of Black-tailed Godwits whirled round too. We could see a smaller wader in with them now, the Long-billed Dowitcher. Having spent most of the winter at Cley, it has now moved here with the godwits. They all landed again, and we got the Long-billed Dowitcher in the scope. It was hard to pick out from the throng at first, but eventually came out on its own where we had better views, although still a lot more distant here then it was at times at Cley.

Long-billed Dowitcher – out on the marshes

When someone spotted a Barn Owl out over the bank further to the north, we assumed initially it would be the same one, but when we looked over it was clearly a different bird, noticeably browner. It was after 11am now too. Two Yellow Wagtails flew over calling and disappeared on south, but there were not many other migrants moving today. The northerly airflow seems to have put paid to most visible migration at the moment.

The Marsh Harrier flew round repeatedly, occasionally closer to us over the bank and then from time to time drifting back out over the marshes, where it was repeatedly mobbed by Lapwings and flushed all the waders again. The walk back past all the burnt trees was fairly uneventful, although we did stop briefly to watch two Little Grebes swimming across one the pools on the marshes.

Marsh Harrier – above us

As we drove back towards the main road, we could see dark clouds ahead of us and it looked to be raining inland. We thought we would get round to the north of the weather as we headed round to Titchwell, but it was right on the edge of the clouds here and they were not really moving in the very light winds. It was time for lunch now, so we stopped in the picnic area. There was blue sky and sunshine to the north and west of us, and cloud to the south and east, just enough to produce a couple of spits of rain very intermittently as we ate, although thankfully not enough to require covering up.

After lunch, we headed out onto the reserve. A Great Reed Warbler had been found here during the morning and a small crowd had gathered on the bank overlooking the reedbed. It had been singing on and off, but was quiet now. Speaking to one of the locals there, it seemed like it had been singing every half hour, so we figured another burst of song was due at some point. While we waited, a Marsh Harrier drifted over the reedbed and a Great White Egret flew in behind us, over the path and dropped down into the reeds.

Sure enough, we didn’t have to wait too long before the Great Reed Warbler started singing again. Interesting just to hear, very different from our regular Reed Warbler, a pair of which were flitting in and out of the vegetation with nest material. We could just see the Great Reed Warbler singing from the back of a small sallow close to the bank, and we managed to get it in the scope briefly, before it started moving around.

Great Reed Warbler – eventually showed itself

When it stopped singing, the Great Reed Warbler flew out and landed briefly on the edge of the reeds a little further up, before it flew again. It was very active now, flying between the small blocks of reeds around the pools below the bank, and we had a succession of flight views or briefly perched half-obscured in the reeds. Once or twice it appeared in the open for a second or two and thankfully everyone got a look at it.

Just as the Great Reed Warbler came out into the open at one point, a shout from someone alerted to a Bittern which had flown up from the reeds, and was now being mobbed by several Black-headed Gulls. It flew round in front of us trying to decide which way to go, then turned and came right over our heads, disappearing off towards Thornham. We didn’t know which way to look!

Bittern – flew round mobbed by gulls
Bittern – then flew right over our heads

The Great Reed Warbler showed well again briefly, then flew further up and disappeared into the thicker reeds out of view. We decided to move on, and had a look around the pools further up to see if we could find any Bearded Tits. They were not as showy as they have been today – one appeared briefly at the base of the reeds, but then disappeared further in. Two more further back flew up and disappeared off round the edge of the Reedbed Pool.

There were a couple of Sedge Warbler and Reed Warbler, and Reed Bunting in the reeds and a Cetti’s Warbler flew across at one point. A couple of the group saw a Water Vole too. It was still a bit cloudy, but a Four-spotted Chaser dragonfly, presumably freshly emerged, was warming up in the grass by the path.

Four-spotted Chaser – by the path

Up to the Freshmarsh, and we got the scope on a couple of Common Terns on the island in front of Island Hide with the Avocets and Black-headed Gulls. We could see the four Little Gulls hawking out over the water, a smart black-hooded adult and three 1st summers with dark ‘w’ markings across their wings. We got the scope on some distant Mediterranean Gulls on the islands right over the back too, admiring their white eyeliner and bright red bills. Several Common Pochard were preening on the edge of one of the other islands, and a pair of Gadwall were right down at the front, where we could see the complexity of their plumage patterns.

Little Gull – a 1st summer

When a Red Kite drifted over, everything went up, and it drifted away pursued by a cloud of Avocets and Black-headed Gulls. Whether that was a sighting mission, a little later it did another circuit, coming in quite high and then dropping steeply to grab a duckling from the water. Again, it was instantly mobbed but this time it flew off quickly with its prey in its talons.

We could see a Spoonbill preening out on the saltmarsh and from the rise in the path by the junction to Parrinder Hide we got it in the scope, It was preening at first, showing its yellow-tipped bill, but then did what Spoonbills like to do best and went to sleep. It was just a brief nap though, as we hadn’t had time to pack up before it took off and flew away towards Thornham Harbour. Several small groups of Brent Geese were feeding out on the saltmarsh too.

We went in to the far section of Parrinder Hide overlooking the Freshmarsh. We were hoping to see the Little Ringed Plovers here, but there was no sign of any at first. A lone Dunlin was on the grassy island, but hiding in a small depression with just its head visible. When it deemed it safe to do so, it came out and started to feed. Two Ringed Plovers were on the edge of the next spit back. A Little Egret appeared right below us and the four Little Gulls landed at one point on the back of the mud in front of the hide.

Dunlin – on its own

We did eventually find a single Little Ringed Plover from the other section of the hide, feeding along the back edge. We got it in the scope, so we could see its golden eye ring. This is as far as we were going today. On the walk back, we stopped for a quick look but there was no further sign of any Bearded Tits and the Great Reed Warbler had now gone quiet too.

We still had time for one last stop, so we headed inland up to Choseley. The Dotterel have been lingering in the fields here for several days now, and someone had just located one out at the back of the field as we drove up. We got it in the scope, although it was very distant and the sun had come out again and there was a surprising amount of heat haze. A second Dotterel appeared nearby and there was a Wheatear out at the back too, but that disappeared just as we got it in the scope, and both Dotterel then sat down and blended in to the background.

Some other people had arrived hoping to see the Dotterel and thankfully after not too long a wait first the Wheatear resurfaced, and then the two Dotterel. A bonus Yellowhammer flew across the field in front of us.

It was time to head back now. It had been an exciting first day – hopefully more tomorrow.

8th May 2023 – Spring Day in NW Norfolk

A Private Tour today for Oldham U3A. It was forecast to rain heavily in the afternoon, but thankfully once again that turned out to be far too pessimistic. It was a nice bright start to the morning and although it clouded over all we had were a very few spits of light rain around the middle of the day.

Our destination for the morning was Snettisham. As we got out of the minibus, there were two Turtle Doves on the wires, so we got them in the scope while we all got ready. One, presumably the male, chased after a third Turtle Dove and once it had been seen off, it returned to the wires, before the pair dropped down out of view.

Walking in through the bushes, there were several Linnets and Goldfinches feeding down on the short grass. A Greenfinch was wheezing from the trees nearby and then perched briefly in the top of a hawthorn. There were various warblers singing too – Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Cetti’s Warbler.

Continuing on, we could hear the wonderful sound of a Turtle Dove purring and we found a gap in the bushes where we could set up the scope on it. Great views, as it preened and purred, before it flew up and glided round in display flight.

Turtle Dove – showing well

There were more warblers singing as we carried on through the bushes including a singing Common Whitethroat and a couple of Willow Warblers. A Marsh Harrier drifted over behind us and a large flock of finches whirled around the open grassy area as a Sparrowhawk shot through low – mainly Linnets but a few Goldfinches and a Greenfinch with them.

We crossed over to the outer seawall, where it was high tide on the Wash. Large areas of the beach have been fenced off for breeding birds and scanning with the scope from a safe distance we could see three Ringed Plovers lurking in the dry seaweed along the tide line. Further up were two Oystercatchers. Several people walked up and down the beach below the cordons and even though they had their dogs on leads and were outside the ropes, the Ringed Plovers still ran up the beach as they passed.

We walked a short distance up the seawall. Two Yellow Wagtails flew over calling and disappeared off south. The flock of Linnets landed in a small hawthorn in the middle of the grassy area below us, so we had a look at those in the scope. A Common Whitethroat landed on the brambles beside us. A Meadow Pipit landed on the rope fence nearby with a caterpillar in its bill.

Meadow Pipit – with food

A small flock of waders flew down over the water from further up the beach and landed on the shore below us, a mixture of Turnstones and Sanderling. Some of the Turnstone were started to gain their brighter breeding plumage, chestnut in the upperparts and white faces, but most of the Sanderling were still in silvery grey non-breeding plumage.

Most of the Coastal Park was burnt in a big fire last summer and we could see all the charred bushes to the north. The grass and reeds are growing back below, but it will take years for the scrub to recover. We weren’t going to be able to walk up to Ken Hill Marshes along the inner seawall today, so we cut back down the way we had come. A short diversion in round the pools produced a couple of Sedge Warblers and a brief Broad-bodied Chaser. The Turtle Doves were still purring as we made our way back to the vehicles.

Making our way back round the coast, we stopped next at Thornham. There were a few Redshanks in the harbour, as we made our way up onto the seawall. We stopped to look at some Brent Geese out on the grazing marsh beyond, and noticed the Garganey on the small pool to the south, so walked over for a closer look. There was just the drake here now, swimming round the pool, feeding and calling occasionally. It flew across to another pool, came back in again, and then flew off towards the village.

Garganey – the drake

There were three Ruff on the pool too, all males and all in different stages of moult to bright breeding plumage, though none yet getting their outlandish ruffs. Walking back up the seawall to the corner, there were more Ruff on the large flood in the field, including a small group of females, Reeves. A Lapwing was brooding its young on the edge of the water too. Two Little Ringed Plovers flew off calling from one of the smaller pools out in the middle.

Looking out over the harbour, we got the scope on several Grey Plover, some looking very smart now with their black bellies and faces. A Curlew was feeding on the far edge of the channel and more were roosting out on the saltmarsh beyond. Four Little Terns flew round over the beach.

We went round to Titchwell for lunch in the picnic area. It had clouded over by the time we set off out onto the reserve and it felt like it was threatening to rain. A pair of Stonechats were feeding along the brambles on the edge of Thornham grazing meadow as we passed. A couple of Marsh Harriers were hanging in the breeze out over the reedbed and one male perched briefly in the dead trees at the back. Several House Martins, Swallows and one or two Swifts were hawking low over the reeds, the insects having come low in the cloudy and breezy conditions now.

Despite the weather, the Bearded Tits were showing very well around the pools just below the bank, although they did keep disappearing into the reeds. There was at least one family – a smart moustachioed male, a female and one or two fresh juveniles still with only partly grown tails. We spent some time watching them today and, with a bit of patience, everyone got very good views in the end. There were one or two Reed Warblers, Sedge Warblers and Reed Buntings here too.

Bearded Tit – a male photographed the day before

As we carried on up towards Island Hide, a dark-billed Great White Egret flew in over the bank behind us and dropped down into the reeds. A flock of Black-tailed Godwits whirled round over the back of the reedbed. There were lots of Avocets and Black-headed Gulls on the islands on the Freshmarsh. The Mediterranean Gulls were more distant, on the islands with the other gulls further back. A Sandwich Tern flew round and landed next to a second where we could get them in the scope and see their yellow-tipped black bills and shaggy crests.

There were not many waders on here today, but scanning round the edge we found a Common Sandpiper, and later two flew out and landed on the edge of the islands. We heard a Greenshank calling out over the saltmarsh and watched in fly in over our heads and disappear straight over the Freshmarsh. We stopped to admire a pair of Gadwall feeding on the water right below the bank, where we could really appreciate the complex patterns of their plumage.

As it was still staying dry for now, we decided to head straight on out in case the rain might be arriving later. There wasn’t much to see on the Volunteer Marsh or the Tidal Pools today – there had apparently been a Spoonbill out here earlier, but there was no sign of it now. A Common Tern flew in past us and straight on towards the Freshmarsh. There were a few Brent Geese feeding on the saltmarsh.

We decided to head back and have a look in at Parrinder Hide. There were a couple of Ringed Plovers and several Little Ringed Plovers on the islands – we had very good close views of one of the latter in the scope, so we could see its golden yellow eye ring. We had a better view of a couple of Mediterranean Gulls from here too, as they flew in to one of the nearer compartments to bathe.

We had a quick stop in Island Hide on our way back, where several Common Terns were hiding on the far side of the closest island, behind the Black-headed Gulls. A pair of Common Pochard were on one of the small pools on the edge of the reedbed now.

Common Terns – hiding behind the gulls

Back at the Visitor Centre, we stopped for a tea break. The staff were just packing up but kindly let us know that there was a Spotted Flycatcher now in the picnic area. So after we had finished our refreshments, we walked over to see if we could see it. A couple of locals were there and told us it was regularly returning to the same alder tree and sure enough it flew back in almost immediately. Several times it returned as we watched, and we had good views of it in the scope above our heads. A scarce spring migrant here on the coast, this one was probably stopping off on its way to Scandinavia for the breeding season.

A nice bird to end a very pleasant spring day in NW Norfolk – and we had stayed dry too!

6th May 2023 – Nightingales & Spring in the Fens

A Spring Day Tour today, down in the Fens & Brecks. It was Coronation Day, but the date for this tour had been arranged last year, so it would be a nice way to spend it, away from the TV, for those who didn’t want to stay in and watch. It was a bright start, but clouded over later in the morning and then the rain arrived early in the afternoon. We made the most of the weather while we had it.

We met at Lynford Arboretum and heading off into the Brecks for the morning. As we got out of the minibus, a scan of the surrounding fields revealed a couple of Stone Curlews over towards the back. We got them in the scope and had a good view of them walking round in the short grass, amongst the flowers. A great way to start the day.

Stone Curlews – out in the grass

There were lots of birds singing and as we walked a little further down the road, we stopped to look at a Garden Warbler perched on the front of a bush. A nice view of what can sometimes be a more retiring species. We could hear Blackcap, Common Whitethroat and Willow Warbler singing too, as well as a Cuckoo off in the distance. A male Yellowhammer was perched in the top of a nearby hawthorn.

We could hear our first Nightingale singing further down still, so we walked on. It was in an area of deep cover and we couldn’t see it but it was lovely just to stand and listen to it for a while. Back up the road, we took a small path in between the bushes. Another Nightingale was singing from deep in the vegetation ahead of us, but again it was well hidden. It sounded like it might be round the far side of the bushes, so after trying different angles eventually we tried to walk past it along the path to view from the other side but it went quiet.

There were several more Common Whitethroats singing, and we got some nice views of one, noting the rusty edges to it wings in particular. There were more Garden Warblers, very vocal today, and as we watched one feeding high in an oak tree, a male Blackcap appeared in a nearby hawthorn. Two Reed Warblers were singing in the brambles too, odd to hear them out here, well away from any reeds and out of context! We could hear a regular (Eurasian) Curlew calling in the distance.

Further on, we could hear another two Nightingales, singing against each other. One was well hidden, but the other was singing up in a young oak tree. We could see it moving through the other side, and eventually managed to get it in the scope, although we could unfortunately only see parts of it. We could see it quivering as it sang. We thought we might be able to get round to view from the other side, but it was a big loop to get on the right path. We passed yet another two more Nightingales and could hear a Woodlark singing, but by the time we got round the bird had gone from the oak. The Nightingales just were not going to perch up for us today!

We decided to try another area. As we walked up, we could hear a Lesser Whitethroat and eventually had nice views of it singing from the top of a small clump of hawthorn. A couple of Long-tailed Tits were flitting around below. There were several Cuckoos calling now, two males, one giving excited ‘cuck-cuck-oo’s and a female bubbling nearby. Walking round the bushes we found one of the male Cuckoos perched on the wires.

Cuckoo – perched on the wires

There were another three Nightingales singing at the top of hill, but the particular bird which had been singing on a very visible perch the other day was not very vocal today. It gave a quick burst of song, so we positioned ourselves hoping for it to hop into view, but it wasn’t going to oblige today. It was mid-morning now and it seemed like the Nightingales might be going quiet so we made our way back round to the road.

Two Nightingales were still singing down by the road, so we stopped to listen. We could see one briefly hopping around in a hawthorn, but it didn’t stay still and disappeared before we could get the scope on it. We had been spoiled with the number singing here today though, at least 10 different males. A fantastic sound, great birds just to listen to, and such a shame the species has disappeared from so many former breeding sites – catch them while you can still!

Time to move on, we drove round to Lakenheath Fen next. As we walked out along the main track, we stopped to watch a Common Whitethroat singing in the sallows. A Reed Warbler was singing its rhythmic song further back and then another Reed Warbler flitted up into the tree in front of us too.

Common Whitethroat – singing in the sallows

We stopped for a rest at New Fen Viewpoint. There was just a lone Greylag and a pair of Tufted Ducks on the pool in front. A Little Grebe laughed from somewhere out of view. Two male Marsh Harriers drifted back and forth over the reeds and a male Reed Bunting started singing from a small bush. We could hear a Cuckoo calling in Trial Wood, and then it flew out over New Fen, turned and came right overhead, before disappearing into East Wood.

We could see several Hobbys way off in the distance, and as we walked on, one appeared hawking over New Fen briefly before drifting off over the poplars. A Mistle Thrush was singing in the trees and another Cuckoo, our third male here, was singing now in West Wood. A couple of Large Red Damselflies fluttered up from the sides of the path, but there were not many dragonflies out yet.

Just before Joist Fen, a Bittern flew up from the reeds to our right. It came low across the track right in front of us, a great view, before dropping back down into the reeds on the other side.

Bittern – flew across the path

We had brought lunch with us today, so we could sit and eat while we enjoyed the view from Joist Fen Viewpoint. Even though it had clouded over now, there was still lots to see. Probably because it had clouded over, there were lots of Hobbys hawking out over the reeds in the middle. We counted a minimum of 36 in the air together, although they were hard to count as they were very mobile and there were lots of Swifts in the air too.

We watched the Hobbys catching flies and eating them on the wing, bringing their feet up to their bills and discarding the hard bits. Occasionally, one came closer and we could see its rusty trousers. There were several Marsh Harriers up too and a Sparrowhawk came over, with bursts of flapping interspersed with characteristic glides.

Hobby – one of at least 36 today

There were a few ducks on the pool in front of the viewpoint, several Mallard and Gadwall and a drake Shoveler, plus a couple of Great Crested Grebes. Then we noticed a smart drake Garganey swimming around behind the reeds. From the far end of the viewpoint we could get the scope on it, and admire the bold white stripe on its head and ornate scapulars.

Garganey – in front of the Viewpoint

A Lapwing was displaying from time to time, flying up from the cut reeds beyond the pool and singing. A Cormorant was loafing on the usual post behind. There were more Cuckoos out here and at one point we picked up a pair flying in towards us over the reeds, the male flying right across in front of us. Periodically, we could just hear one or two Bitterns booming.

Cuckoo – flew past in front of the Viewpoint

It had been threatening for a while on and off, but now it started to drizzle, so we decided it was time to walk back. We hadn’t gone far when a Bittern started booming close to the path now, so we stopped to listen. An amazing sound.

It was still just light drizzle as we got back to the Visitor Centre, but after a stop to use the facilities the rain was already getting a little heavier. We walked out for a quick look at the Washland, and as we got up onto the bank we looked across to see a Great White Egret flying across the middle and drop down into the grass on the far side. There were lots of Mute Swans on the water, and a selection of ducks, including several Shelduck and a pair of Teal.

This is normally a nice place to stand for a while and watch the comings and goings, but we hadn’t been here long when we looked round behind us and could see some very ominous dark clouds approaching. We made a quick exit and hurried back to the Visitor Centre, arriving just in time as a torrential downpour started. We sat inside and had a break for ice cream (the gooseberry is particularly recommended!) or hot drinks. There were Reed Buntings on the feeders, and a male Greenfinch and a Collared Dove dropped in.

The heavy rain eased quickly, but it was still falling steadily. We decided to head back to Lynford. When we got to the Arboretum, the rain wasn’t too bad so we put on our coats and decided to have a short walk round to see what we could find. Mid afternoon and rain is not a great combination and it was rather quiet here now.

Two Swallows were perched in one of the trees by the cottages with the Goldfinches, looking damp. A couple of Yellowhammers were still under the trees from the gate, and a Coal Tit appeared on the fat balls briefly. There were Jays calling and one flew across the path in front of us. Another Coal Tit was on the feeders by bridge and a Cuckoo was singing over towards the battle area – it had been a very good day for them today. We had a quick walk down beside the lake, where a couple of Canada Geese on the lawn beyond were the only birds of note. We made our way back up through the middle of the Arboretum, and found a couple of Siskins feeding on the cones up in the larches.

It was time to head for home. We had enjoyed a very nice day, and the rain hadn’t managed to rain (too much) on our parade!