Tag Archives: Garganey

24th-27th May 2023 – Late Spring 4-day Private Tour

A 4-day Late Spring Private Tour arranged for Croydon RSPB Group. We enjoyed some nice weather, with lots of sunshine, but with a cool N/NE/E wind coming in off the North Sea. Camera failure means there are fewer images than normal for the blog this time…

Wednesday 24th May

The 24th was a half day, after the group had traveled up to Norfolk in the morning. We met up at Le Strange Arms in Hunstanton at 1pm. A Red-backed Shrike had been found in Burnham Overy Dunes in the morning, so we had a choice between going out to look for that, or opting for a more gentle introduction – the group voted for the former.

We parked in the car park at the Staithe and walked up the seawall. There were several Little Terns in the harbour, loafing on the sand on the far side of the channel or chasing round over the boats calling. A couple of Common Terns were dozing on the sand too.

Little Tern – fishing in the harbour

There were Sedge Warblers and Reed Warblers singing along the ditch below the bank and a couple of Common Pochard pulled out on the grass. A pair of Little Grebes swan past laughing. A Red Kite hung in the air above our heads.

Scanning up along the side of the channel, we found a distant Grey Plover in breeding plumage, a couple of Avocets and a Ringed Plover. There were not many waders on the mud out from the sluice now. A lone Brent Goose was in the channel in front of Gun Hill – the Brents have finally been leaving us in the last week, heading up to Siberia for the breeding season, and numbers have dropped sharply now. A Great White Egret flew past and dropped down into the reeds.

Great White Egret – flew past

We could hear Bearded Tits calling in the reedbed but it was a bit too breezy and all we could manage today were several views of one zipping across over the top of the reeds. A Cetti’s Warbler shouted from the brambles. A couple of Marsh Harriers drifted back and forth. There was no sign of any Great Crested Grebes on the pool today.

We had seen several lone Spoonbills flying out over the bank already, presumably heading out to the harbour to feed, but now we picked up four Spoonbills flying towards us. They came past quite close, two adults and two immatures.

Spoonbills – a flock of four flew past

Scanning the pools beyond the reeds, we could see two Pink-footed Geese still with the Greylags and Canada Geese. Probably shot and injured by wildfowlers, a small number cannot make the journey back to Iceland to breed so stay here all year with the other geese. There were a five or six Black-tailed Godwits dozing here, along with the breeding Lapwings and Avocets. A pair of Redshanks were alarm calling from the edge of the saltmarsh below us.

Continuing on towards the dunes, we could see a small group of people watching the Red-backed Shrike. It was very mobile and most of the people left as we walked out – the bird was last seen heading east through the dunes so when we got to the boardwalk we were not sure whether we needed to go east or west. Thankfully we could see one person still who seemed to be looking intently through their scope towards Gun Hill and scanning the bushes we quickly located the Shrike distantly away to the west, a female. It dropped down onto the edge of the suaeda, then flew back up into the dunes, so we set off along the top path to see if we could get a better view.

Half way to Gun Hill, we stopped on the top of the dunes to scan and found the Red-backed Shrike back down on the edge of the saltmarsh, where we had a nice view of it hunting. It gradually worked its way further out, where it was mobbed by the local Reed Buntings and Meadow Pipits and became increasingly mobile again. A pair of Stonechats were feeding from the tops of the suaeda bushes too.

Red-backed Shrike – a female

We had a quick look out to sea, where we picked up a couple of distant Sandwich Terns, then headed back through the dunes. There were lots of Linnets here and we eventually found a Wall Brown butterfly, which had been requested. The sun had just gone behind a cloud while we walked back, and needless to say when it came out again we saw lots more Wall Browns on the way back. We found a Small Copper too and we stopped to admire a Red-and-Black Froghopper in the alexanders on the bank too.

We could now see why the Redshanks had been alarm calling on the way out, as a small fluffy fresh juvenile appeared from the saltmarsh vegetation between them. A flock of Black-tailed Godwits came up from the mud by the sluice and there seemed to be something smaller and dumpier with them, so we walked back to have a closer look. The Black-tailed Godwits flew up again when we got there, but there was nothing with them as they settled back down on the mud. There were a couple of smart summer plumaged Turnstones here now and two Ringed Plovers.

Back to the minibus, and we drove back to Hunstanton. It had been a productive first afternoon, and we had more to look forward to tomorrow.

Thursday 25th May

We headed east along the coast this morning, to Cley. We had a quick stop to use the facilities and admire some moths at the moth morning which was underway, until the Visitor Centre opened. Then we headed out to the central hides.

There had been some stints on Simmond’s Scrape earlier, so we made straight for Dauke’s Hide. We quickly got the scope on a smart rusty breeding plumage Little Stint on one of the islands and the next thing we knew it was joined by a second stint, this time a Temminck’s Stint. It is unusual to see the two species together here so this was a good opportunty to compare them side by side.

Stints – Little right & Temminck’s left

There were four Common Sandpipers and a couple of Little Ringed Plovers on here too, but everything kept getting chased round by the Avocets. They have small juveniles now, and the adults are in the habit of chasing absolutely everything else off. Not very helpful! Two Little Terns landed on one of the islands.

Two Spoonbills appeared on Pat’s Pool, adults in breeding plumage. We got the scopes on them so we could admire their bushy nuchal crests. Then a shout from one of the locals alerted us to a Bittern which was flying across over the reedbed beyond. We watched it as it looped round over Bishop Hide and then dropped into the reeds beyond. A nice bonus!

Spoonbills – two dropped in

Mission accomplished here with the stints, we headed back to the Visitor Centre. After a short break to admire a moth which someone had brought in – Norfolk’s first Banded Pine Carpet, a rare migrant here in the UK – we then headed out onto the reserve again.

We headed down along the Skirts path to the East Bank. A female Common Pochard was down on Don’s Pool and a Little Grebe showed itself briefly between the reeds further back. We could hear Bearded Tits calling, but it was quiet breezy up here and they were keeping well down out of sight. A male Marsh Harrier flew towards us across the reeds and over the bank ahead of us. Several Sand Martins were hawking low over the reedbed looking for insects.

Marsh Harrier – a male over the reeds

The smaller pools on the grazing marsh are drying out quickly now, so we pressed on towards the Serpentine. There was more water here but not much in the way of birds today – Lapwing and Avocet, and a few ducks. There were a couple of young Great Black-backed Gulls with the Cormorants on Pope’s Pool beyond.

We found some shelter from the breeze on the back of the shelter overlooking Arnold’s Marsh. There were a couple more Little Terns on the brackish pools but it looks like the last of the Pintail has finally moved on. Out on Arnold’s Marsh, there were also fewer birds today, though we did find two Grey Plover towards the back, including one in smart black-faced breeding plumage.

On to the beach, and a Whimbrel flew over the shingle and disappeared off west as we arrived. We had a glimpse of a Gannet which appeared briefly above the shingle earlier, but there was not much moving offshore now, so we turned to walk back. It was lunchtime, so the pace picked up and we headed back to the picnic area at the Visitor Centre for a late lunch.

Afterwards, we drove east to Kelling. It was a bit more sheltered in the lane as we walked down towards the Water Meadow. We stopped to watch a couple of Brown Hares in the field next to the lane and two Red-legged Partridges walked past. A Chiffchaff was singing from a dead tree above the path and a Blackcap was singing from the copse. Scanning from the gate, we could see several more Brown Hares on the slope beyond.

Brown Hare – one of several

There were a few ducks on the Water Meadow Pool, but no sign of anything else. The resident pair of Egyptian Geese were hiding in the beck on the Quags and a Grey Heron appeared from the bank in front of them. There were several Linnets in the brambles on the far side of the Water Meadow.

Continuing on down towards the Hard, we turned up along the permissive path towards the gun emplacements. A Common Blue butterfly was fluttering around the short grass. There were more Linnets and Meadow Pipits here and a male Stonechat appeared on the bushes before flying up to perch on the concrete by the guns. There didn’t appear to be much out to the sea off here either, but one of the group spotted a single female Common Scoter asleep on the water off to our left.

We had been intending to call in at Stiffkey Fen on our way back, but we were short of time now and everyone had probably done enough walking for the day. Instead, we popped in briefly at North Point instead. There were lots of gulls on the east pool, including a good number of Lesser Black-backed Gulls. There were lots of Redshanks on the pool west of the track and one of the group had a glimpse of something which looked smaller, so we set off down the track to see if we could find it again. We couldn’t, but we did have nice close views of a Little Ringed Plover and a Common Sandpiper both on the near edge of the pool to the east now.

We had quite a long drive back to Hunstanton (and a malfunctioning camera to deal with), so it was time to call it a day and head for home.

26th May 2023

Today we headed in the other direction, and drove over towards the Wash at Snettisham. As we got out of the minibus, we could hear a Cuckoo calling from somewhere away over the marshes, but we couldn’t see it from here. As we walked up towards the Coastal Park, a couple of Bullfinches flew over the road but disappeared behind the bushes ahead of us.

A pair of Turtle Doves flew out of the bushes and dropped down through the trees the other side of the inner seawall as we passed, so we turned and walked up a short way to see if we could find them. We couldn’t, but we did have nice views of a Common Whitethroat singing in the bushes nearby. As we got back to the road, another Turtle Dove did the same thing, flew across the inner seawall and dropped down through the trees.

We decided to try our luck in the Coastal Park and we hadn’t gone far when we found another Turtle Dove on the wires. We got it in the scope, and even though we were looking into the sun we had a nice view of it now. A Turtle Dove started purring now from the bushes a bit further up, so we walked on to see if we could see that one, as the light would be much better. When we got there, we realised there were now three Turtle Doves purring. We eventually got one perched in the top of one of the hawthorns and had great views of it through the scopes.

Turtle Dove – purring

The Turtle Doves were displaying too, periodically flapping up into the sky, before gliding round with tail spread and dropping slowly back down into the trees. One circled right above our heads at one point. A magnificent sight and sound and so sad it has become so rare now.

There were still a few warblers singing – a Lesser Whitethroat rattled from deep in the bushes, we saw a couple of Common Whitethroat, one or two Blackcap were singing and lots of Chiffchaffs were chiffing and chaffing. A Reed Warbler obviously hadn’t read the field guide because it was singing from the bushes out towards the beach.

As we got to the open area, we heard a Cuckoo calling from towards the seawall, so we walked up to the concrete path and looked out at the burnt bushes the other side. The Cuckoo was there, but in the one bush with leaves which was just over the bank. We could see it perched in the top and got it in the scope, but it flew off before everyone could get a good look at it.

Cutting back across to the seawall, we climbed up and looked out across the Wash. The Ringed Plover was still on its nest in the cage on the beach and a couple of Oystercatchers were sleeping on the sand beyond. A little group of Sanderling were feeding along the shore, but kept getting pushed up and down by several dogwalkers – at least the dogs were put on leads today to walk past the cordons. The Sanderling look very different in breeding plumage, much darker than how we normally see them in winter, and they are very variable too, a pitfall for the unwary.

Sanderling – in breeding plumage

We walked on along the top of the seawall, surveying the destruction wrought by last summer’s fire. There were more Linnets and Meadow Pipits here and several more butterflies. We stopped when we got to the concrete bank and a Cuckoo flew in and landed in the top of a burnt bush close to us. Another Cuckoo flew in behind and the first flew after, presumably a male chasing after a female, we could hear the former calling as they wove in and out of the charred trees. A Turtle Dove flew in and dropped down nearby into the weedy vegetation which is growing up on the bank.

We cut across to the inner seawall and climbed up to scan Ken Hill Marshes the other side. One of the group spotted a Kingfisher on the fence further up, which we got in the scopes. It kept dropping down, presumably to fish in the ditch below, then landed back on another post a bit further along.

We walked on up along the bank until we could see the northernmost pools on Ken Hill Marshes. They are drying out quickly and getting very overgrown now, but we could see several hundred Oystercatchers roosting on there over high tide. A single grey Knot was in with them. The number of Black-tailed Godwits here has dropped, just two asleep today, and we couldn’t see any other waders beyond the resident Avocets, Lapwings and Redshank. One of the group glimpsed a Snipe on the pool in front of us, but it put its head down and we couldn’t find it in all the vegetation.

A smart male Marsh Harrier had been working up and down the inner seawall as we walked up and drifted past us a couple of times now as we started to walk back. A Turtle Dove was purring from the pine tree in the middle of the burnt area of the park. The southern part of Ken Hill Marshes is very overgrown this year and the only thing of note we saw on their was a pair of Little Grebes on the biggest pool.

We had to stop at the hotel to drop off one of the group, who had to get back, and after a break to use the facilities too it was time for a late lunch by the time we got round to Titchwell. Afterwards, we set off out to explore the reserve. There had been a Red-backed Shrike on the hedge along the side of the Thornham grazing meadow this morning, but checking in at the Visitor Centre, we heard that it hadn’t been seen for at least a couple of hours and had possibly moved off west.

It was warm in the shelter of the trees, but cool in the wind once we got out. There were several Swifts hawking low over the reedbed and Marsh Harriers hanging in the breeze further back. There were Reed Warblers and Sedge Warblers singing and we had the typical glimpse of a Cetti’s Warbler as it darted across a gap in the vegetation, but the Bearded Tits were very quiet today, perhaps not a surprise given the wind. A Grey Heron was hunting in one of the smaller pools and another was standing statuesque, like a pond ornament, in one of the pools by the main path.

We had a glimpse of a Little Gull which dropped down towards the freshmarsh over the far side of the reeds, so we continued on to the bank by Island Hide. We could see two Little Gulls hawking back and forth low over the water now, both 1st summers with black ‘w’ patterns on their wings. Several Common Terns were on the nearest island among the breeding Black-headed Gulls, several of which have fluffy young hatching now.

Someone came out of the hide to tell us that the Garganey, which had been feeding along the edge of the reeds, had flown off. We were just about to move on when it reappeared, swimming out from behind a line of reeds. It came much closer, down into the near corner, chased at one point by an aggressive Mallard. A male moulting into eclipse already, the Garganey is not at its smartest but still nice to see, possibly the same bird which has been at Thornham regularly recently. A female Common Pochard with seven tiny ducklings swam into the near corner too.

Garganey – moulting into eclipse

Continuing past Island Hide, we stopped again to scan. We turned the scope on a pair of Mediterranean Gulls on one of the islands right at the back, still standing out with their jet black hoods, excessive white eye-liner, and brighter red bills. A couple of Little Terns were just visible on one of the other islands. There were some drake Common Pochard dozing on the new bund and one or two Tufted Ducks too.

We pressed on round to Parrinder Hide, where we would be out of the wind and in the sun. We went into the further section to scan the far compartment of the Freshmarsh first, getting a slightly better view of the Mediterranean Gulls from here. Then we noticed the Little Stint on the mud in from of the other part of the hide. We had a look at it in the scopes from here, then crossed over for a closer look. It was getting absolutely no peace from the Avocets, which were chasing it round relentlessly whenever it landed. There was only one part of the far shore where it seemed to escape their attention – not a nice welcome for such a long-travelled visitor!

We decided to brace the breeze and make a bid for the beach. There was not much on Volunteer Marsh as we passed, but we did find a smart breeding plumage Turnstone on the back of the Tidal Pools. There were more waders out on the mussel beds – lots of Sanderling, six northbound Tundra Ringed Plovers (the northern subspecies tundrae of Common Ringed Plover), a couple of Curlew and several Bar-tailed Godwits including one male in rusty breeding plumage. Some distant Sandwich Terns flew past over the sea.

It was time to head back – and get out of the wind. As we passed the Tidal Pools, a Spoonbill flew over and disappeared off east. A Cuckoo was calling from the back of the reedbed now. We had a quick look to see if the Red-backed Shrike might have reappeared, but still no sign, so it was time to call it a day.

Saturday 27th May

A half day again today, and we planned to use the morning to try to catch up with a couple of things we had missed. First we had a quick look at Holkham to see if we could find any Grey Partridge. They are breeding at the moment, and with the vegetation in the fields high now too, they are not as easy to find as they are in the winter. Unfortunately there was no sign of either of the pairs along Lady Anne’s Drive, where the vegetation is still relatively short, although we did hear a Willow Warbler singing in the trees.

The Long-billed Dowitcher had been seen on each of the previous two mornings from the seawall at Burnham Overy with the Black-tailed Godwits (presumably the same bird we had glimpsed there on Wednesday), so we walked out next to see if we could catch up with it on the rising tide. We walked down Whincover this time, across the grazing marshes. A Common Whitethroat was singing from the parking area as we got out and a Yellowhammer flew over the track as we started down.

A Chiffchaff was singing above us from the hedge and down at the gate, the same or another male Yellowhammer perched nicely for us in the top of a tree. There were a couple of Sedge Warblers and Reed Warblers singing from the ditches by the track and a Cetti’s Warbler flew across. We saw several more Wall Brown butterflies along the track too.

Yellowhammer – posed nicely

When we got up onto the seawall, there was no sign of any Black-tailed Godwits on the mud. Another group was just leaving so we asked them what they had seen. The godwits had apparently been spooked by some swimmers and flown off towards Holkham. Someone earlier had claimed to have seen something smaller with them, but apparently when they flew off they were on their own.

There was a nice Great White Egret perched up in the reeds and a Marsh Harrier. The pair of Great Crested Grebes had reappeared today on the pool. We walked a little further up, to look at the muddy scrapes just beyond the reedbed, but there were only two Black-tailed Godwits on there today and nothing with them either. We decided to head back.

We had a quick look in at Stiffkey Fen to finish. An Oystercatcher was tucked down in the flowers opposite the layby when we pulled up and a Lesser Whitethroat was singing in the hedge along the permissive footpath beyond. A family of Long-tailed Tits were in the trees by the river as we set off along the footpath down towards the seawall. Looking over the brambles towards the Fen, we could see a Little Ringed Plover displaying and a Marsh Harrier appeared above the reeds.

From up on the seawall, we could see a single Spoonbill over in the far corner which we got in the scopes before it flew off back out over the harbour. There were at least five Little Ringed Plovers now, but no sign of any other unusual waders. With the bright sunny weather over the last couple of days, there appeared to have been a bit of a clear out.

Wall Brown – butterfly of the trip!

There had been an Osprey reported over Blakeney Harbour this morning, but despite scanning we could find no sign of it now. It is a beautiful view from here though, looking out over towards Blakeney Point, so we spent the last minutes of the morning in the sunshine enjoying the vista, before it was time to head back to Hunstanton and wrap up the tour.

13th May 2023 – Four Days of Spring, Day 3

Day 3 of a 4-day Spring Tour today. It was another cloudy & grey day, but thankfully remained dry after some misty drizzle first thing. It was chilly again, a maximum of 11C but feeling colder in the brisk northerly wind, very un-springlike once more.

Our destination for the morning was Burnham Overy. As we parked at the Staithe, there were lots of Swifts over the car park and low over the houses, and a few House Martins too, the first we have seen. There have been none around some of their traditional breeding sites the last few days, so hopefully they have just been looking for food elsewhere.

We walked out along the seawall. A Sedge Warbler was singing from the brambles below the bank and a Cetti’s Warbler shouted from along the edge of the ditch. A Little Grebe was in the channel along with several Common Pochard.

A Little Egret was feeding along the edge of the harbour channel. Looking further up, we could see a couple of Grey Plovers on the far side and a pair of Little Terns flew round calling and landed on the sandbar in the middle where they went to sleep. There are still good numbers of Brent Geese here and a large flock flew up from the saltmarsh and landed in the harbour channel. As we walked on, we found another couple of Grey Plovers were on the mud on the near side.

Grey Plover – on the mud

A Great White Egret flew in, its long legs stretched out behind it, and landed on a small pool out on the grazing marsh. It was sporting a dark grey bill, typical of birds in the breeding season but always a pitfall for the unwary looking for its non-breeding yellow bill. A Grey Heron made a beeline for it, chasing after it and the two of them flew round together, so we could see how similar they are in size. The Grey Heron wouldn’t let the Great White Egret settle, and it eventually flew off back towards the harbour.

Great White Egret – chased off by the Grey Heron

A 1st summer Little Gull flew across over the grazing marshes to the south of us and we watched it disappeared off over Whincover and quickly away to the east. We could see the dark ‘w’ mark on its upperwings. There were lots of Black-tailed Godwits on the muddy spur of the channel along with another couple of Grey Plover. There were several Shelduck and Avocets too and three Great Crested Grebes flew over and off towards the outer harbour.

We stopped on the corner by the junction with Whincover. Four Pink-footed Geese were out on the grass with the Greylags, at least one had an obviously damaged wing when it flapped. Most of the Pink-footed Geese have left for Iceland for the breeding season, but a small number usually linger, typically sick of injured birds which have been shot and wounded by wildfowlers and can’t make the long journey north.

Our first Spoonbill of the day flew over – we would see several flying in and out from the colony this morning. There was another pair of Great Crested Grebe on the reedbed pool and a couple more Great White Egrets flew in and out of the reeds. We listened for the Bittern which has been booming here recently but it was quiet today – it was probably just a bit too chilly for much activity.

Skylark – by the path

There were more Brent Geese on the saltmarsh further up and we stopped to watch a Skylark feeding on the side of the path ahead of us. There were several Reed Buntings singing in the suaeda bushes below the bank as we walked on towards the dunes. Scanning around the various herds of cows, we picked up a Cattle Egret very distantly on the grazing marsh towards Holkham, but before we could get the scope on it, it flew off towards the trees beyond.

Reed Bunting – singing male

Out at the boardwalk bushes, there was no sign of any migrants today, though hard to tell whether the single Chiffchaff was on its way somewhere or resident, whereas the Common Whitethroat would almost undoubtedly be breeding here. A couple of Sedge Warblers were singing in the bushes too. There were several Linnets, and we stopped to admire a smart pink-breasted male on the top of the bushes when another darker male flew in and landed in the brambles right beside us.

Linnet – in the boardwalk bushes

As we walked into the dunes beyond, a pair of Stonechats was alarm calling, presumably with a nest nearby. Over forty Linnets were feeding on the short grass beyond, nice to see them doing well here for a bird which has declined so sharply in farmland. Several Meadow Pipits flew up and down from the fence.

We carried on to the next ridge in the dunes. There were more Linnets, a couple of Lapwings, and two Brown Hares on the grass. We had a better view over the grazing marshes from the top of the dunes here and we found another Cattle Egret in the distance with the cows. It was hidden down in a reedy channel at first, but then flew round and landed in full view briefly. We could see the short orange bill and orange wash on the top of its head.

Little Tern – feeding in the harbour

There was no sign of any migrants in the bushes, so we decided to walk back. A Whimbrel flew over the seawall and out across the grazing marsh and a flock of Dunlin was on the sandbar in the harbour now. Four Little Terns were feeding over the harbour channel now, as the waters rose, along with four Common Terns too. We could hear Bearded Tits in the small reedbed towards the village, but only saw one briefly in flight a couple of times. A Cuckoo was calling back by the village, but distant.

Back to the minibus, we drove round to Holkham for lunch. There had been a Garganey here on the pools by Lady Anne’s Drive but there was no sign of it now, nor were there any Grey Partridges in view. A Mistle Thrush was collecting food on the grass by the top of the Drive, presumably with young in the nest in the nearby trees.

Mistle Thrush – collecting food

We ate lunch on the picnic tables by the Lookout. We could hear Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler singing in the trees. Several more Spoonbills flew in and out over the grazing marshes and one tried to sneak past over the pines behind us. There were lots of Common Swifts hawking for insects over the grazing marshes towards Wells.

Back to the minibus, we set off back towards the main road, but noticed two brown lumps in the grass in the overflow parking area where there weren’t any lumps earlier. An unscheduled stop to check and sure enough there were two Grey Partridge, so we got out and got the scope on them.

We drove west to Thornham Harbour now. There had been no sign of the Garganey there this morning, but it does come and go and as we walked up onto the bank we found a group people watching it. We had very good views of it on the small flood below the bank, swimming round feeding and calling on and off. It already appears to be starting its moult into eclipse plumage. Then it flew to the next flood along, and started bathing on the far shore before it was chased off by a Coot and flew on again to the big flood beyond.

Garganey – starting to moult

There were two Wood Sandpipers on the big flood, which worked their way gradually closer to us as they fed, and we had some very nice views through the scope of this very smart migrant wader, on their way north to Scandinavia and stopping here to feed before making the journey across the North Sea. A female Lapwing on the near edge of the water had two small juveniles. She was sheltering one at first, the other feeding nearby, before she flew off and left them – so much for wader childcare!

Wood Sandpiper – 1 of 3 here

Looking out across the harbour, there were several Grey Plover, including a couple of very smart males in full breeding plumage, with jet black faces and bellies. A single Bar-tailed Godwit was feeding on the mud down in the channel and a Curlew dropped in briefly. We could see more small waders out on the beach beyond, including several Ringed Plover, Sanderling and Turnstone. A small group of 1st summer drake Common Eider were diving in the outer channel, but were disturbed by the assistant warden from Holme checking the tern cordon. Two Little Terns flew round over the beach.

Bar-tailed Godwit – in the harbour

The Garganey had flown further up the big flood and gone to sleep. Looking over we could see three Wood Sandpipers now, in and out of the tufts of vegetation. The Garganey eventually woke up and started feeding again, and came much closer, down to the corner where we were standing, but wouldn’t lift its head! As we walked back to the minibus, we stopped to watch a Little Egret which was feeding on the near edge of the first flood. A Grey Heron was stalking round the edge of the reeds, eyeing up the ducklings.

We drove back to Wells and called in at North Point on our way back to finish the day, to see if any waders had dropped in. There were lots of Swifts, Swallows and Sand Martins hawking over the pools and we just caught the back end of a Hobby disappearing off east as we got out of the minibus. Two more Wood Sandpipers had just been found here, and we could see at least one of them on the back of the central pool from the car park. Two Marsh Harriers were grappling over the rape field in front of us and a Common Buzzard drifted over Wells beyond. Several Brown Hares were hiding out on the grass.

Common Swift – hawking over the pools

Walking down the track, we could see lots of gulls the other side, on the eastern pool, mostly Herring and Lesser Black-backed Gulls and Black-headed Gulls, but with a couple of Common Gulls too. Apart from Lapwings and Redshank, the only other wader we could find was a single Little Ringed Plover over towards the back. A Spoonbill flew over and disappeared off towards Wells.

It was time to head back – one more day tomorrow, and hopefully warmer weather forecast.

8th May 2023 – Spring Day in NW Norfolk

A Private Tour today for Oldham U3A. It was forecast to rain heavily in the afternoon, but thankfully once again that turned out to be far too pessimistic. It was a nice bright start to the morning and although it clouded over all we had were a very few spits of light rain around the middle of the day.

Our destination for the morning was Snettisham. As we got out of the minibus, there were two Turtle Doves on the wires, so we got them in the scope while we all got ready. One, presumably the male, chased after a third Turtle Dove and once it had been seen off, it returned to the wires, before the pair dropped down out of view.

Walking in through the bushes, there were several Linnets and Goldfinches feeding down on the short grass. A Greenfinch was wheezing from the trees nearby and then perched briefly in the top of a hawthorn. There were various warblers singing too – Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Cetti’s Warbler.

Continuing on, we could hear the wonderful sound of a Turtle Dove purring and we found a gap in the bushes where we could set up the scope on it. Great views, as it preened and purred, before it flew up and glided round in display flight.

Turtle Dove – showing well

There were more warblers singing as we carried on through the bushes including a singing Common Whitethroat and a couple of Willow Warblers. A Marsh Harrier drifted over behind us and a large flock of finches whirled around the open grassy area as a Sparrowhawk shot through low – mainly Linnets but a few Goldfinches and a Greenfinch with them.

We crossed over to the outer seawall, where it was high tide on the Wash. Large areas of the beach have been fenced off for breeding birds and scanning with the scope from a safe distance we could see three Ringed Plovers lurking in the dry seaweed along the tide line. Further up were two Oystercatchers. Several people walked up and down the beach below the cordons and even though they had their dogs on leads and were outside the ropes, the Ringed Plovers still ran up the beach as they passed.

We walked a short distance up the seawall. Two Yellow Wagtails flew over calling and disappeared off south. The flock of Linnets landed in a small hawthorn in the middle of the grassy area below us, so we had a look at those in the scope. A Common Whitethroat landed on the brambles beside us. A Meadow Pipit landed on the rope fence nearby with a caterpillar in its bill.

Meadow Pipit – with food

A small flock of waders flew down over the water from further up the beach and landed on the shore below us, a mixture of Turnstones and Sanderling. Some of the Turnstone were started to gain their brighter breeding plumage, chestnut in the upperparts and white faces, but most of the Sanderling were still in silvery grey non-breeding plumage.

Most of the Coastal Park was burnt in a big fire last summer and we could see all the charred bushes to the north. The grass and reeds are growing back below, but it will take years for the scrub to recover. We weren’t going to be able to walk up to Ken Hill Marshes along the inner seawall today, so we cut back down the way we had come. A short diversion in round the pools produced a couple of Sedge Warblers and a brief Broad-bodied Chaser. The Turtle Doves were still purring as we made our way back to the vehicles.

Making our way back round the coast, we stopped next at Thornham. There were a few Redshanks in the harbour, as we made our way up onto the seawall. We stopped to look at some Brent Geese out on the grazing marsh beyond, and noticed the Garganey on the small pool to the south, so walked over for a closer look. There was just the drake here now, swimming round the pool, feeding and calling occasionally. It flew across to another pool, came back in again, and then flew off towards the village.

Garganey – the drake

There were three Ruff on the pool too, all males and all in different stages of moult to bright breeding plumage, though none yet getting their outlandish ruffs. Walking back up the seawall to the corner, there were more Ruff on the large flood in the field, including a small group of females, Reeves. A Lapwing was brooding its young on the edge of the water too. Two Little Ringed Plovers flew off calling from one of the smaller pools out in the middle.

Looking out over the harbour, we got the scope on several Grey Plover, some looking very smart now with their black bellies and faces. A Curlew was feeding on the far edge of the channel and more were roosting out on the saltmarsh beyond. Four Little Terns flew round over the beach.

We went round to Titchwell for lunch in the picnic area. It had clouded over by the time we set off out onto the reserve and it felt like it was threatening to rain. A pair of Stonechats were feeding along the brambles on the edge of Thornham grazing meadow as we passed. A couple of Marsh Harriers were hanging in the breeze out over the reedbed and one male perched briefly in the dead trees at the back. Several House Martins, Swallows and one or two Swifts were hawking low over the reeds, the insects having come low in the cloudy and breezy conditions now.

Despite the weather, the Bearded Tits were showing very well around the pools just below the bank, although they did keep disappearing into the reeds. There was at least one family – a smart moustachioed male, a female and one or two fresh juveniles still with only partly grown tails. We spent some time watching them today and, with a bit of patience, everyone got very good views in the end. There were one or two Reed Warblers, Sedge Warblers and Reed Buntings here too.

Bearded Tit – a male photographed the day before

As we carried on up towards Island Hide, a dark-billed Great White Egret flew in over the bank behind us and dropped down into the reeds. A flock of Black-tailed Godwits whirled round over the back of the reedbed. There were lots of Avocets and Black-headed Gulls on the islands on the Freshmarsh. The Mediterranean Gulls were more distant, on the islands with the other gulls further back. A Sandwich Tern flew round and landed next to a second where we could get them in the scope and see their yellow-tipped black bills and shaggy crests.

There were not many waders on here today, but scanning round the edge we found a Common Sandpiper, and later two flew out and landed on the edge of the islands. We heard a Greenshank calling out over the saltmarsh and watched in fly in over our heads and disappear straight over the Freshmarsh. We stopped to admire a pair of Gadwall feeding on the water right below the bank, where we could really appreciate the complex patterns of their plumage.

As it was still staying dry for now, we decided to head straight on out in case the rain might be arriving later. There wasn’t much to see on the Volunteer Marsh or the Tidal Pools today – there had apparently been a Spoonbill out here earlier, but there was no sign of it now. A Common Tern flew in past us and straight on towards the Freshmarsh. There were a few Brent Geese feeding on the saltmarsh.

We decided to head back and have a look in at Parrinder Hide. There were a couple of Ringed Plovers and several Little Ringed Plovers on the islands – we had very good close views of one of the latter in the scope, so we could see its golden yellow eye ring. We had a better view of a couple of Mediterranean Gulls from here too, as they flew in to one of the nearer compartments to bathe.

We had a quick stop in Island Hide on our way back, where several Common Terns were hiding on the far side of the closest island, behind the Black-headed Gulls. A pair of Common Pochard were on one of the small pools on the edge of the reedbed now.

Common Terns – hiding behind the gulls

Back at the Visitor Centre, we stopped for a tea break. The staff were just packing up but kindly let us know that there was a Spotted Flycatcher now in the picnic area. So after we had finished our refreshments, we walked over to see if we could see it. A couple of locals were there and told us it was regularly returning to the same alder tree and sure enough it flew back in almost immediately. Several times it returned as we watched, and we had good views of it in the scope above our heads. A scarce spring migrant here on the coast, this one was probably stopping off on its way to Scandinavia for the breeding season.

A nice bird to end a very pleasant spring day in NW Norfolk – and we had stayed dry too!

6th May 2023 – Nightingales & Spring in the Fens

A Spring Day Tour today, down in the Fens & Brecks. It was Coronation Day, but the date for this tour had been arranged last year, so it would be a nice way to spend it, away from the TV, for those who didn’t want to stay in and watch. It was a bright start, but clouded over later in the morning and then the rain arrived early in the afternoon. We made the most of the weather while we had it.

We met at Lynford Arboretum and heading off into the Brecks for the morning. As we got out of the minibus, a scan of the surrounding fields revealed a couple of Stone Curlews over towards the back. We got them in the scope and had a good view of them walking round in the short grass, amongst the flowers. A great way to start the day.

Stone Curlews – out in the grass

There were lots of birds singing and as we walked a little further down the road, we stopped to look at a Garden Warbler perched on the front of a bush. A nice view of what can sometimes be a more retiring species. We could hear Blackcap, Common Whitethroat and Willow Warbler singing too, as well as a Cuckoo off in the distance. A male Yellowhammer was perched in the top of a nearby hawthorn.

We could hear our first Nightingale singing further down still, so we walked on. It was in an area of deep cover and we couldn’t see it but it was lovely just to stand and listen to it for a while. Back up the road, we took a small path in between the bushes. Another Nightingale was singing from deep in the vegetation ahead of us, but again it was well hidden. It sounded like it might be round the far side of the bushes, so after trying different angles eventually we tried to walk past it along the path to view from the other side but it went quiet.

There were several more Common Whitethroats singing, and we got some nice views of one, noting the rusty edges to it wings in particular. There were more Garden Warblers, very vocal today, and as we watched one feeding high in an oak tree, a male Blackcap appeared in a nearby hawthorn. Two Reed Warblers were singing in the brambles too, odd to hear them out here, well away from any reeds and out of context! We could hear a regular (Eurasian) Curlew calling in the distance.

Further on, we could hear another two Nightingales, singing against each other. One was well hidden, but the other was singing up in a young oak tree. We could see it moving through the other side, and eventually managed to get it in the scope, although we could unfortunately only see parts of it. We could see it quivering as it sang. We thought we might be able to get round to view from the other side, but it was a big loop to get on the right path. We passed yet another two more Nightingales and could hear a Woodlark singing, but by the time we got round the bird had gone from the oak. The Nightingales just were not going to perch up for us today!

We decided to try another area. As we walked up, we could hear a Lesser Whitethroat and eventually had nice views of it singing from the top of a small clump of hawthorn. A couple of Long-tailed Tits were flitting around below. There were several Cuckoos calling now, two males, one giving excited ‘cuck-cuck-oo’s and a female bubbling nearby. Walking round the bushes we found one of the male Cuckoos perched on the wires.

Cuckoo – perched on the wires

There were another three Nightingales singing at the top of hill, but the particular bird which had been singing on a very visible perch the other day was not very vocal today. It gave a quick burst of song, so we positioned ourselves hoping for it to hop into view, but it wasn’t going to oblige today. It was mid-morning now and it seemed like the Nightingales might be going quiet so we made our way back round to the road.

Two Nightingales were still singing down by the road, so we stopped to listen. We could see one briefly hopping around in a hawthorn, but it didn’t stay still and disappeared before we could get the scope on it. We had been spoiled with the number singing here today though, at least 10 different males. A fantastic sound, great birds just to listen to, and such a shame the species has disappeared from so many former breeding sites – catch them while you can still!

Time to move on, we drove round to Lakenheath Fen next. As we walked out along the main track, we stopped to watch a Common Whitethroat singing in the sallows. A Reed Warbler was singing its rhythmic song further back and then another Reed Warbler flitted up into the tree in front of us too.

Common Whitethroat – singing in the sallows

We stopped for a rest at New Fen Viewpoint. There was just a lone Greylag and a pair of Tufted Ducks on the pool in front. A Little Grebe laughed from somewhere out of view. Two male Marsh Harriers drifted back and forth over the reeds and a male Reed Bunting started singing from a small bush. We could hear a Cuckoo calling in Trial Wood, and then it flew out over New Fen, turned and came right overhead, before disappearing into East Wood.

We could see several Hobbys way off in the distance, and as we walked on, one appeared hawking over New Fen briefly before drifting off over the poplars. A Mistle Thrush was singing in the trees and another Cuckoo, our third male here, was singing now in West Wood. A couple of Large Red Damselflies fluttered up from the sides of the path, but there were not many dragonflies out yet.

Just before Joist Fen, a Bittern flew up from the reeds to our right. It came low across the track right in front of us, a great view, before dropping back down into the reeds on the other side.

Bittern – flew across the path

We had brought lunch with us today, so we could sit and eat while we enjoyed the view from Joist Fen Viewpoint. Even though it had clouded over now, there was still lots to see. Probably because it had clouded over, there were lots of Hobbys hawking out over the reeds in the middle. We counted a minimum of 36 in the air together, although they were hard to count as they were very mobile and there were lots of Swifts in the air too.

We watched the Hobbys catching flies and eating them on the wing, bringing their feet up to their bills and discarding the hard bits. Occasionally, one came closer and we could see its rusty trousers. There were several Marsh Harriers up too and a Sparrowhawk came over, with bursts of flapping interspersed with characteristic glides.

Hobby – one of at least 36 today

There were a few ducks on the pool in front of the viewpoint, several Mallard and Gadwall and a drake Shoveler, plus a couple of Great Crested Grebes. Then we noticed a smart drake Garganey swimming around behind the reeds. From the far end of the viewpoint we could get the scope on it, and admire the bold white stripe on its head and ornate scapulars.

Garganey – in front of the Viewpoint

A Lapwing was displaying from time to time, flying up from the cut reeds beyond the pool and singing. A Cormorant was loafing on the usual post behind. There were more Cuckoos out here and at one point we picked up a pair flying in towards us over the reeds, the male flying right across in front of us. Periodically, we could just hear one or two Bitterns booming.

Cuckoo – flew past in front of the Viewpoint

It had been threatening for a while on and off, but now it started to drizzle, so we decided it was time to walk back. We hadn’t gone far when a Bittern started booming close to the path now, so we stopped to listen. An amazing sound.

It was still just light drizzle as we got back to the Visitor Centre, but after a stop to use the facilities the rain was already getting a little heavier. We walked out for a quick look at the Washland, and as we got up onto the bank we looked across to see a Great White Egret flying across the middle and drop down into the grass on the far side. There were lots of Mute Swans on the water, and a selection of ducks, including several Shelduck and a pair of Teal.

This is normally a nice place to stand for a while and watch the comings and goings, but we hadn’t been here long when we looked round behind us and could see some very ominous dark clouds approaching. We made a quick exit and hurried back to the Visitor Centre, arriving just in time as a torrential downpour started. We sat inside and had a break for ice cream (the gooseberry is particularly recommended!) or hot drinks. There were Reed Buntings on the feeders, and a male Greenfinch and a Collared Dove dropped in.

The heavy rain eased quickly, but it was still falling steadily. We decided to head back to Lynford. When we got to the Arboretum, the rain wasn’t too bad so we put on our coats and decided to have a short walk round to see what we could find. Mid afternoon and rain is not a great combination and it was rather quiet here now.

Two Swallows were perched in one of the trees by the cottages with the Goldfinches, looking damp. A couple of Yellowhammers were still under the trees from the gate, and a Coal Tit appeared on the fat balls briefly. There were Jays calling and one flew across the path in front of us. Another Coal Tit was on the feeders by bridge and a Cuckoo was singing over towards the battle area – it had been a very good day for them today. We had a quick walk down beside the lake, where a couple of Canada Geese on the lawn beyond were the only birds of note. We made our way back up through the middle of the Arboretum, and found a couple of Siskins feeding on the cones up in the larches.

It was time to head for home. We had enjoyed a very nice day, and the rain hadn’t managed to rain (too much) on our parade!

2nd April 2023 – Early Spring Tour, Day 3

Day 3 of an Early Spring 3-day tour. The forecast for today was much better, so we spent the day down in the Brecks. It remained rather stubbornly cool and cloudy until late morning, before the sun finally broke through. It was then a nice warm afternoon, at least out of the still rather cool NNE wind.

As we set off from the guest house on the journey down to the Brecks this morning, we hadn’t got far through the village when we noticed a Swallow on the wires, the first one we have seen this year. Just the one, so that doesn’t make it summer yet, but a nice sign that spring may finally be on its way.

Swallow – our first of the year

The rest of the journey down was fairly uneventful. Our destination for the morning was Santon Downham and we parked by the Forestry Commission offices and set off along the path by the river. A small flock of Bramblings flew over and we could hear a Lesser Redpoll calling, eventually to be found tucked deep in a thick hawthorn on the other side of the river. A pair of Great Spotted Woodpeckers flew in to top of the trees above the path.

We stopped a bit further up to listen, but there was no sign of any woodpecker activity, no drumming. Two pairs of Marsh Tits chased each others through the willows on the bank, their sneezing calls alerting us to their approach. Two pairs of Mandarin flew in and out of the trees the other side and landed so we could get them in the scope. We got the scope on a male Brambling high in the poplars, admiring its bright orange breast and shoulders. We could hear its wheezy calls and at one point a burst of its rather unimpressive and similarly wheezy song.

Marsh Tit – two pairs along the riverbank

Further on, we found another couple of people waiting and watching on the river bank. They had heard a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker earlier, but only drumming briefly a couple of times. We stopped here too, and scanned the trees. There was lots of activity here – one or two Nuthatches piping in the poplars and investigating a hole in a rotting branch. A pair of Treecreepers chasing round the trunks. A small flock of Redwing flew over and landed in the tops briefly.

Behind us, a pair of Kingfishers shot up the river calling, but disappeared off back into the trees opposite. We heard them several times more, up and down through the trees, but they didn’t come back out to the river. A Grey Wagtail flew over calling too. As it started to warm up a little, a couple of Common Buzzards circled up and a Sparrowhawk appeared above the trees.

Periodically, we could hear Great Spotted Woodpeckers calling or drumming and we saw one or two in the trees overhead, but there was no sign of their diminutive relations. We waited for an hour and then decided we would head back. We hadn’t even moved when we heard a quick burst of Lesser Spotted Woodpecker drumming, further back and in the trees and upstream from where we were. It gave another quick burst and we set off to try to locate it. Unfortunately, that was it and despite stopping and listening back along the bank we didn’t hear it again. Frustrating.

We made our way back. The skies had cleared and the sun was out now. A Small Tortoiseshell was fluttering around the willows by the path, our first of the year. Just before the road, we stopped to look at the feeders by the houses across the river. A smart male Siskin came in to feed and we eventually managed to get a Lesser Redpoll in the scope, in the same thick hawthorn where the male had been earlier. Just across the bridge, we stopped by the garden with the feeders. There were more Siskins here, including a male singing in the tree above the road.

Siskin – male singing

There was a lot of disturbance north of the level crossing today. As we arrived, we had seen a large gathering of mountain bikers in the car park and there were still lots of cars here. We had heard the roar of motorbikes through the forest all the time we were down along the river too. We stopped and crossed the road to have a quick look at the clearing the other side, thinking it might be a bit quieter. Perhaps unsurprisingly, there was no sign of any Woodlark today, but we did see a Mistle Thrush at the back and a male Stonechat on a gorse bush. A Brimstone flew past. We had a quick look along the start of the ride beyond the car park too, but there were no birds along here at all, so we decided to move on.

We drove over to a high point overlooking the forest to look for Goshawks and eat our lunch. We thought activity might have picked up with the sunshine as it warmed up, but some people leaving as we arrived said the birds had been more active when it was cloudy and cool earlier and had now gone quiet. As we tucked into our sandwiches, there were lots of Common Buzzards up in all directions and a distant Red Kite. A female Sparrowhawk circled up from the trees.

Woodlark – out on the grass

One of the group spotted a pair of Woodlark on the grass behind us, feeding quietly, so we got those in the scope for a closer look. We could see the way their supercilia met in a shallow ‘v’ on the back of their necks. A little later, one flew up calling and landed high in one of the trees above us. Then it dropped down into the field opposite, where it was joined by a second Woodlark. The light was better this side and it was a really nice view of them in the scope now. A couple of Common Furrow Bees were feeding in the head of a dandelion.

Common Furrow Bee – on dandelion

We were just packing up to leave, when finally a Goshawk appeared. An adult male, it circled up from behind the trees and quickly gained height in the warm air. We kept getting it the scope but it was hard to track as it was climbing so fast and by the end it was high in the sky overhead. Eventually, everyone got a look at it in the scope, even if it was a bit more distant.

The pair of Stone Curlews had been showing well at Weeting recently, so we decided to call in there next. When we arrived and got out to the hide, there was no sign of them at first. There were a couple of Lapwings in the back of the cultivated strip and plenty of Rooks. We set up the scopes and scanned carefully, but there was a bit of heat haze now and they can ‘disappear’ when they sit down. Then as we scanned back across suddenly a Stone Curlew stood up.

Stone Curlew – showing well

The Stone Curlew preened for a minute or so and looked round. Then it started to walk across the broken ground with its tail raised in the air. Normally that would suggest that another Stone Curlew was present and sure enough a minute or so later a second bird stood up too. We watched them for a while before they both settled down again and all but disappeared once more.

We still had a little bit of time before we had to get back, so we drove on to Lakenheath Fen. We didn’t have enough time to explore the whole reserve, but there have been some Garganey on Hockwold Washes in recent days, so we thought we would have a quick look from the Washland Viewpoint. As we walked out of the Visitor Centre past the feeders, several Reed Buntings were flicking around in the sallows behind.

Reed Bunting – around the feeders

Scanning across the Washes from the viewpoint, we quickly located a pair of Garganey on the water. The drake looked especially smart in the sunshine, the white stripe on its burgundy head catching the light. Thankfully, we all had a chance to get a good look through the scope before suddenly they flew and landed out of view behind the vegetation at the front. Perfect timing! There was a nice selection of other ducks on here too – Teal, Shoveler, Gadwall, a single Wigeon and a few Tufted Ducks and Shelducks.

It is a lovely spot to stand here and watch the world go by, particularly on such a nice sunny afternoon, but unfortunately we were out of time now and had to head back. It had been a fun three days with some good birds and remarkably given the weather forecast beforehand we had largely stayed dry!

30th April 2022 – Nightingales & Fens

A single day tour for Nightingales & Spring in the Fens. It was a frosty start, but with sunshine and blue skies it was a lovely warm spring day to be out.

We headed into the Fens for the morning. As we got out of the minibus, a quick scan of the field opposite revealed just Rooks and Jackdaws today, but we could hear a Nightingale singing further down the road, That was our main target here, so we walked over to see if we could find it. One Nightingale was still singing ahead of us, when we heard another croak and fly out of the tree on the verge right above our heads. It dropped into the brambles below, but disappeared deeper in. We stood and listened to it singing here. What a glorious sound!

Further down, another Nightingale was singing, but from beyond the fence. While we were listening to it, the first started up again back behind us, close to the road. We were going to walk back to see if we could see it, but just at that moment, two dog walkers appeared. As they walked past where the Nightingale was singing, they thought it was funny to make loud ‘cuckooing’ noises. It wasn’t at all funny, and they were completely oblivious to one of the most beautiful songs coming from the bushes next to them. Unfortunately the Nightingale responded by disappearing again.

Now we could hear yet another Nightingale further down on the other side of the road. As we walked on, it flicked up into the bushes next to us briefly, but dropped again. Three people with binoculars were coming the other way, and stopped and looked out. We thought at first the Nightingale had landed in front of them, but it was actually a Stone Curlew in the field further back! Unfortunately there was only a narrow gap in the bushes through which we could see it and it disappeared from view before everyone could get onto it.

The first Nightingale had started up again back in the bush up the road. This time, as we walked up slowly to try to get a look, the other birders walked up past us and the bird dropped deeper in. It was beautiful just listening to them all here, but we were really hoping to get a good look at one. We were not having much luck getting one to perch out in view this morning!

Yellowhammer – perched in the sunshine

We decided to try our luck up a footpath which winds up through the bushes. Yet another Nightingale was singing in a hawthorn right by the path but was well hidden and went quiet as we approached. We walked out into a more open area at the top and stopped to see if we could see it looking back from the other side. A smart Yellowhammer perched up in the top of a large hawthorn in the sunshine behind us.

Now a Nightingale flew across the path ahead of us and started singing in a small thicket out of view. We stood and listened to it for a minute or so and then it flew back across the path and landed in the top of one of the hawthorns. It started singing and even better it stayed there – great views now out in the open, through the scopes. Just reward for all our efforts!

Nightingale – perched in a hawthorn singing

We had lost count of how many Nightingales we could hear, but now we could relax a little and take it all in, having finally got onto one. We walked back down through the bushes to see if we could find the Stone Curlew again. We scanned the field, but there was still no further sign, just several Brown Hares. There were lots of warblers back in the bushes – Willow Warblers and Chiffchaffs, Common Whitethroats and Blackcaps.

Blackcap – a male

Back up the road, one of the Nightingales was still singing beyond the fence on one side but another flicked up out of the bracken ahead of us, with a flash of its bright orange-red tail. It disappeared into a bush but we stopped and waited. A Wren kept coming in and out instead at first.

Then the Nightingale dropped back down into the bracken close by. It disappeared in but then came back out right into the open with a large leaf in its bill. It perched on the bracken, flicking its wing and fanning its tail. Wow! We stopped to watch, fascinated. Several times, it disappeared down into the bracken and came back out with its leaf. Presumably we were witnessing it selecting a nest site – what a privilege to see.

Nightingale – with its leaf

Our perseverance had paid off and we had been treated to some stunning view of Nightingales now. We walked back round and up the footpath again. The Nightingale we had seen earlier, perched up on the hawthorn, was singing from dense cover again now, but we stopped to listen to it again. At one point it built itself up with a lovely series of rising whistles.

We walked on further. A Garden Warbler started singing now. We could just see it flicking around in the edge of a hawthorn, before it flew further back. We stopped to listen to a mixed singing Willow Warbler, starting with bits of Chiffchaff song, before breaking into the familiar sweet descending scale. It was mid-morning already, and the Nightingales were going a bit quieter now, so we made our way back to the minibus.

Our next destination was the RSPB reserve at Lakenheath Fen. After checking in at the visitor centre and using the facilities, we had time for a look over the river at Hockwold Washes before lunch. As we walked out along the path, a Reed Warbler was singing from the ditch and we could just see it flitting around low in the reeds in the bottom. A Cetti’s Warbler shouted at us as we passed.

From up on the riverbank, we scanned through the ducks out on the Washes first. There were lots of Teal, but we quickly located three Garganey in with them, including two smart drakes. They were all asleep at first, but we could still see the bright white stripes on their heads in the sunshine. One of the drake Garganey did then wake up and swam round, so we could get a better look at it. It has been a very good spring for Garganey here this year. There were a few Shoveler, Gadwall and Mallard too.

Garganey – one of the drakes woke up

Three Wood Sandpipers were feeding in the shallow water in front of the mud over the far side. They were rather distant and we had planned to walk up the riverbank for a closer look, but then two of them flew in and landed on the near edge of the Washes in front of us, so we could see their bright supercilia and spangled upperparts.

An elegant Greenshank was feeding in the water here too and there was a nice selection of other waders – lots of Avocets, Lapwings, a pair of Oystercatchers, four Black-tailed Godwits, and Redshanks. One of the group found a tiny Common Sandpiper right at the back, which was a challenge to see in the heathaze!

A Cuckoo was calling way off in the distance when we arrived, but seemed to gradually make its way closer. We could hear it much better now and figured it must be in East Wood, but with lots of leaves on the poplars now it was impossible to see. While we were scanning the trees, hoping we might get lucky, someone noticed two Common Cranes appear above the trees, circling. They were a long way off, but we had a good look through the scopes. A very nice bonus!

Reed Bunting – in the reeds

Several Reed Buntings flicked in and out of the reeds in front of us and swung precariously on the seedheads. Having arrived a couple of weeks earlier, the Sedge Warblers were less vocal today than the Reed Warblers but we did have nice views of a pair in the reeds right below viewpoint. A Stonechat appeared briefly by the river further down.

It was a very productive hour at the Washland Viewpoint, and now we made our way back to the Visitor Centre for lunch. There were lots of St Mark’s Flies out, swarming around the bushes in the picnic area, but thankfully they left us alone on the tables. A Hobby appeared just behind us, hawking back and forth for flies up in the blue sky. Someone was enjoying the St Mark’s Flies!

After lunch, we walked out onto the track to the main part of the reserve. It was warm in the lee of the trees, and quieter now. When we got to New Fen viewpoint, we could hear a Bittern booming from the reeds. A single drake Gadwall and a couple of Coot were on the pool. Several Kestrels were hovering out over the river bank beyond. A Cuckoo was calling in Trial Wood.

Gadwall – a smart drake

A male Bearded Tit appeared low down in the reeds along the edge of the pool. It disappeared in, then flew out and across the water to the island of reeds in the middle. A few seconds later, it was off again and landed in the reeds at the back where it spent a couple of seconds flycatching.

As we walked on along the main path, a couple of Hobbys appeared over the reeds. One Hobby was very high in the sky, but the other came much lower overhead, giving us lovely views, zooming back and forth catching and eating flies on the wing.

Hobby – catching flies over the reeds

We had a quick look over the reedbed from the bank just before West Wood. There were a few Tufted Ducks on the water and a Little Egret flew up and away over the reeds. Then we took the path on alongside West Wood. There were lots of freshly emerged Azure Damselflies here in the vegetation by the path and a single Large Red Damselfly. Another Cuckoo was calling from deep in the trees in West Wood.

A little further on, we noticed some movement in the reeds right by the path ahead of us. We stopped and could hear louder rustling now, and see the reeds moving – something large was obviously trying to walk away from us through the thick vegetation. We stopped and watched as a Bittern climbed up out of the reeds, just a few metres in front of us. It stood for a second watching us, then flew off over the reeds, giving us a nice longer view as it circled round before dropping in again further up.

Bittern – better views not through the camera!

Continuing on to Joist Fen viewpoint, there were lots more Hobbys up here, at least 10, but they were all rather distant so we were pleased we had seen the one over New Fen earlier. There were several Marsh Harriers up too. A Bittern made a brief couple of flights over the reeds further back, and we could hear another booming from somewhere behind us.

Two Yellow Wagtails dropped in, and disappeared in the cut reeds out in the middle. Scanning where they had landed, we picked up several Common Snipe and Redshanks feeding in the mud. Eventually the Yellow Wagtails reappeared briefly, but they still hard to see. The Greylags here had several broods of goslings.

As we walked back, several Hairy Dragonflies flew over the path now, our first dragonflies of the year. The Cuckoo was still singing in West Wood, taunting us tantalisingly out of view and another was now back in East Wood, but still too far in to stand a chance of seeing it. A Stonechat was perched on the fence by the railway as we passed.

After a stop to get a welcome cold drink in the Visitor Centre, we made our way back to Weeting. We made our way straight down to West Hide, where the position of the nest camera focused on it immediately gave away where the Stone Curlew was sitting, in the cultivated plot not too far out from the hide. We had a good view of the sitting bird in the scopes. The eggs were due to hatch any day (postscript – they hatched the following day!).

Stone Curlew – sitting tight

There were several Lapwings and a Skylark in the cultivated plot too. One of the group picked up a small bird on the grass much further back. It was hard to see, almost over the ridge and in the heat haze, but we could just about make out it was a Wheatear. Thankfully, it did eventually come out a little bit more into the open.

Back at the Visitor Centre, the warden had a nice surprise for us, a rare moth or more correctly a moth larva. He had found a tiny Shining Bagworm (Bacotia claustrella) larva in its larval case, constructed from lichen fragments, feeding on a lichen encrusted twig and looking just like a bit of the twig! A slightly bizarre bit of wildlife to end on – but we had enjoyed a wonderful day filled with birds and it was time to head for home now and let them close up the reserve.

8th Apr 2022 – Spring meets Winter

A Private Tour today. We had postponed from yesterday, because it was forecast to be very windy and the forecast (unusually!) was right. The weather was much better today – bright and sunny, with much lighter winds. We spent the day on the North Norfolk coast.

Our first destination was Cley. As we got out of the minibus in the car park, a Skylark was singing over the field behind. We walked over the road and round to Bishop Hide. There were some impressive numbers of waders on Pat’s Pool – at least 70 Avocet and over 50 Black-tailed Godwits were gathered around the islands (including one of the latter bearing a set of colour rings). There were a couple of Ruff too, one darker, already more advanced in its moult to breeding plumage. Several Common Snipe were skulking in the grass around the closest island.

Marsh Harrier – buzzing the scrape

There was a nice selection of ducks too – Shelduck, Shoveler, Wigeon and Teal. We couldn’t find the pair Garganey at first, as they were asleep in the grass over the far side in front of Teal Hide, but we got the scope on them when they woke up. Just at that moment, one of the Marsh Harriers decided to drift over the scrape and flushed everything, but when things settled down the Garganey were now on one of the further islands. We had a good view of them through the scopes, of a little distant, before they settled down and went back to sleep.

The pair of Little Grebes were showing very well in the ditch right in front of the hide. They have been chasing off any visiting ducks and the Garganey may have been a lot closer but for their attentions! We heard Bearded Tits calling in the reeds but they didn’t appear. A pair of Lesser Black-backed Gulls flew in with an egg which they proceeded to eat on one of the islands.

Lesser Black-backed Gulls – eating an egg

As we walked on down towards the East Bank, a Chiffchaff was singing across the road and a Blackcap was singing on the corner by Snipe’s Marsh, early spring migrants back already.

We were about to set off up the East Bank, but we stopped to have a quick scan of the catchwater drain. There has been another pair of Garganey here – it has been a good spring for them, with at least 3 pairs around the reserve in recent days. We couldn’t see anything at first, but before we walked on we heard the distinctive croaking call of the male and turned round to see a pair swimming towards us. They were really close and we had fantastic views of them now before they disappeared into the reeds.

Garganey – fantastic views

As we finally walked on up East Bank, there were Lapwings and Redshanks displaying out over the grazing marshes. More Avocets were out at the back, on Pope’s Pool, along with a couple of Cormorants and a Great Black-backed Gull. A smart rusty Black-tailed Godwit, already well-advanced in moult to breeding plumage, was feeding on the back of the Serpentine, along with some still greyer birds.

We heard Bearded Tits calling out over the reedbed and had fleeting views of one or two as they zoomed over the tops of the reeds, but they weren’t perching up for us today. The Reed Buntings were more obliging.

Arnold’s Marsh held a nice selection of waders – there were lots of Dunlin and Redshank and several Curlew dotted about. A couple of Ringed Plover and Turnstone were picking about on the shingle islands and a lone Grey Plover was lurking behind a small plant. A single Knot on the mud at the back gave itself away feeding next to a smaller, less rotund Dunlin.

A lone Mediterranean Gull was out on the brackish pool opposite, among the more numerous Black-headed Gulls. Through the scope, we could see its black hood and contrasting white eye-liner and heavier deep-red bill. A Curlew was feeding in the shallows right in front of us, just below the path.

Curlew – just below the path

We had a quick look out at the sea – it would be rude not to, when we were so close. There were a couple of Meadow Pipits on the shingle as we approached, and lots of gulls feeding just offshore looking away to the west, but nothing moving further out today. We set off back.

There were a couple of Marsh Harriers out over Pope’s reedbed and we picked up a Red Kite flying purposefully towards us. It came right overhead and we watched it head straight on west over the reedbed. We thought it might be a migrant, which we often get on sunny days at this time of year, but it turned and dropped down towards the scrapes and they next thing we knew it was coming back over the reeds towards us.

Red Kite – came low overhead

We made our way back to the Visitor Centre and went in to pay for our permits and use the facilities. Afterwards, we decided to head on west.

It might be spring, but we are still blessed with some lingering scarce winter visitors. The Red-breasted Goose which has spent the last couple of months with the Brent Geese here was reported again this morning at Blakeney, so we decided to call in to try to see it. As we walked past the quay, we could see a small crowd on the bank beyond so we walked over to join them. Unfortunately, there was no further sign of the Red-breasted Goose – we scanned through the few remaining Brent Geese just in case. A Spoonbill was feeding out on the saltmarsh, by way of recompense.

We watched some Brent Geese flying across the harbour in the distance and they seemed to drop down further out, so we figured it might be worth walking out along the bank from the quay and trying our luck there. We stopped a couple of times to scan on the way out, but couldn’t see anything so we were starting to think we may be out of luck. Then we heard the Red-breasted Goose calling from somewhere out in the harbour, in the distance.

We carried on out, suitably emboldened, and met a birder coming back the other way. He hadn’t seen the Red-breasted Goose but it turned out he was an old friend, one-time assistant warden at Cley back in the day, who we hadn’t seen for god knows how long – 30+ years? We stopped to say hello and while we were doing so, turned to scan out across the harbour. Fortuitously from this angle, we could see the Red-breasted Goose, out on the edge of the saltmarsh with the Brent Geese. Not great for photography, with a bit of heat haze now, but good views through the scopes.

Red-breasted Goose – in the heat haze

We said our goodbyes and walked back. We called in at Stiffkey Fen next. There has been a Dusky Warbler here for the last week or so, but like all good Dusky Warblers it can be very elusive. As we walked out along the path, there were several people looking but it obviously hadn’t been seen or heard from for some time. We did have nice views of a female Blackcap in the sallows by the path.

We walked on down to the end of the path and up onto the seawall. A Greenshank was feeding in the channel just beyond, but flew a short distance further up as we emerged up onto the bank. We had a nice view of it next to a Redshank now, and then a second Greenshank appeared with it, this one more advanced in its moult to breeding plumage. Another Spoonbill was out on the Fen.

Greenshank – one of two in the channel

We made our way back, and the other people confirmed there was still no sign of the Dusky Warbler. As we were leaving, a hirundine flew in towards the Fen – a Sand Martin, our first of the year. It was already lunchtime so we made our way back to the minibus for a late lunch in the sunshine. Afterwards, we continued on west to Holkham.

The number of birds by Lady Anne’s Drive has dropped as the winter birds have moved off, but there was still lots to see. There was still a nice selection of ducks and we found about a dozen lingering Pink-footed Geese with the Brents out on the grazing marshes.

There were waders here too – Lapwings, Redshanks, a few Curlew and one or two Oystercatcher, and a few Common Snipe. A Great White Egret flew out of the ditch at the back, and then flushed a second Great White Egret nearby. The latter flew off, right over our heads and off to the west.

Great White Egret – flew overhead

The Shorelarks have been with us at Holkham all winter, but normally depart by the end of March. Ths year there had still been one reported here the last couple of days, so we hoped to catch up with it now. As we walked out towards the cordon, there were a few Meadow Pipits and Skylarks out on the saltmarsh and when we got out to the cordon, there was no one looking. We stopped and scanned, but couldn’t find anything at first.

Then from a little further along, we picked up the lone Shorelark out in the middle. We got it in the scopes and had a good look, admiring its yellow face and black mask. It didn’t look particularly settled, running around and looking, not feeding. It was over towards the back of the cordon and we were just about to walk round to the other side to try for a closer look when it flew. We watched it disappear off into the distance. How lucky we were – 10 minutes later and we would have missed it!

We had a quick look out at the sea now. There were a few Common Scoter offshore and a lone Sandwich Tern flew past some way out. But it was colder here, with the breeze coming in off the sea, so we didn’t linger. As we got back to The Lookout, we had a stop to use the facilites and a young Peregrine drifted over to the west.

We still had a little time to play with, so we called in at the pool at Wells. There were lots of Brown Hares in the field beyond the car park, but despite a bit of chasing they didn’t work themselves up enough to get boxing. There were several Common Snipe hiding in the vegetation around the pools. A couple of Mediterranean Gulls flew overhead, calling.

The real highlight here were the breeding waders. We watched a male Redshank display flighting, fluttering up calling. The Lapwings were getting into the spirit too, flying back and forth, singing and tumbling. This site is all about the waders, so hopefully they will have a good breeding season.

Lapwing – displaying

As we turned to head back, a Swallow came in and flew off west over the pools. Our first of the spring – just the one may not make it summer, but hopefully it suggests there may be more spring migrants to come over the coming days.

It was time for us to head for home. What a great day it had been, and how lucky we had been with the weather today.

10th Sept 2021 – Autumn Tour, Day 1

Day 1 of a three day Autumn Tour today, and we headed across to the Broads. It was bright with sunny intervals and warm, although we drove into heavy showers on our way back in the afternoon.

Our first destination was Potter Heigham. As we walked down the track from the car park several House Martins were hawking around the trees opposite and we could hear Greenfinches calling.

Across the main road, we scanned the grazing marshes as we walked along. A Kestrel was hovering at the back and a Common Buzzard flew in and landed on post briefly. A Grey Heron flew across and landed in one of the ditches. A big flock of Egyptian Geese were sleeping in the cattle field between the track and the river. We could see a couple of Lapwings on the grazing marsh and our first Marsh Harrier flew across the track ahead of us.

There were lots of dragonflies out in the sunshine around the reedy ditches – Common Darters, Migrants Hawkers and a couple of Brown Hawkers – and a good number of Red Admiral butterflies.

Red Admiral – lots out today in the sunshine

When we got to the first pool, we found a couple of gaps in the reeds to look through. There were lots of geese on the mud beyond the water – mostly Greylags, plus a gaggle of Canada Geese and few more Egyptian Geese. A group of Wigeon were gathered on the near end of geese, with a few Shoveler and a single Tufted Duck out on the water.

A couple of Ruff were in among the geese and we found some more waders tucked down in the near corner on the mud – several Black-tailed Godwits and a single Common Snipe. A small group of Little Egrets were on the bank a bit further back.

We continued on down the track to the corner and took the path up onto the bank. Looking across to the pool opposite, we could see three Greenshanks running around after each other, calling, before they flew off. There were a couple more Common Snipe here and we picked up a single Green Sandpiper over on the far side. We could see a few Black-tailed Godwits on the island, but they were mostly out of view through the reeds from where we were standing.

At this point, we received a message via the news services that the Long-billed Dowitcher which has been here for several days was still present. A few people had gone on ahead of us, so we presumed they had found it and walked on to find them. They were looking out over the next pool, but knew nothing about it! We stopped to look here too, adding another seven Common Snipe to the tally.

We picked up the three Spoonbills which had also been reported as present, distantly out in the middle. We decided to have a look on the pools round on the other side, where we could get a better view of the Spoonbills and see if the dowitcher was over there. On the way round, a Ruddy Darter was in the grass by the path.

Scanning the pools from the river bank, there were lots more Greylags on here. There were more waders too – lots of Ruff and several Common Snipe in the muddy channel in the far corner. We kept adjusting our position to get a different angle over the reeds and see different parts of the pools. We picked up a single Dunlin on the far bank.

Spoonbills – 2 of the 3, asleep

We eventually found an angle from where we could get a better view of the three Spoonbills. They were mostly asleep, but woke up occasionally to flash their yellow-tipped black spoon-shaped bills.

A smart male Marsh Harrier flew in over the pools past us and across the river behind.

Marsh Harrier – flew past us

We received a message from two of the people we had spoken to earlier that they could see a Garganey on the pool with a couple of Teal. We couldn’t find it initially from where we were standing, but eventually located it from a little further up. There were two Garganey now, with the two Teal. We could see the distinctive pale spot at the base of their bills through the scope. A closer Greenshank on the next pool flew off just as we got the scopes on it.

We had intended to walk back round the way we had come, to have another go at finding the dowitcher, but the group was tired after the walk round here now and wanting to head back for lunch. It was a shorter walk back along the river bank, but quieter bird-wise. We had just got back to the car park when we received a message from the others to say they had just relocated the dowitcher asleep on their way back. Too late!

We drove round to Winterton and found a spot to eat lunch in the back of the car park, overlooking the sea. There were several gulls out on the water. An adult Mediterranean Gull and a Lesser Black-backed Gull flew past. Three Sandwich Terns were fishing just off the sandbar, until they were chased past us by a juvenile Herring Gull. There were several Cormorants and Grey Seals offshore too, but when we spotted a small shape bobbing on the water just off the concrete blocks it turned out to be a Guillemot, which swam slowly past us just off the beach. We picked up a distant Gannet flying past too.

Guillemot – swam past

After lunch, we headed off for a walk into the dunes. There weren’t many birds at first. We could see one or two Marsh Harriers over the bushes inland and a couple of Kestrels. But we did see a good selection of butterflies – lots of Red Admirals, but it was particularly nice to see several Graylings here, and a late tatty Common Blue was an addition to the list.

Grayling – we saw several in the dunes

We were already armed with some up to date information from one of the regulars, and we bumped into someone else who confirmed we were heading in the right direction. A little further up, along the fence line, we found a small group of Stonechats. Scanning across, we spotted a Whinchat with them, paler peachy orange on the breast with a bright pale supercilium. The chats were constantly on the move, and so hard to count, but eventually we managed to see all three Whinchats together that we had been told were present. A lot of migrants move through quickly in this clear, sunny weather, so it was nice to catch up with some while we could.

Whinchat – there were 3 in the dunes

There were a few warblers in the bushes here too, and we had some nice views of a Common Whitethroat which seemed to be following the chats around.

Beyond the chats, we spotted a Wheatear in the dunes so we walked across for a closer look. It was joined by a second and they flicked off ahead of us, flashing their white rumps.

Wheatear – there were two in the dunes

It was nice standing in the dunes watching the Whinchats and Wheatears. We figured that was as much walking as we would be able to manage today, so we decided to head back slowly to the car park. When we got back, we had another look at the sea. The tide had gone out and there was much more sand now. More Sandwich Terns had gathered on the beach with the gulls, several Mediterranean Gulls and Common Gulls as well as the Herring and Lesser Black-backed Gulls.

It was a long drive back, so we decided it was time to call it a day and head off now. We would have an early start tomorrow too.

5th June 2021 – Early Summer, Day 2

Day 2 of a three day Early Summer Tour today, including a Nightjar Evening. After a grey and cloudy start, it gradually brightened up and then the skies cleared from the west around midday, producing a lovely sunny afternoon. We spent the day down in the Norfolk Broads, then the evening looking for owls and Nightjars.

We started the day with the long drive down to the Broads. There had been a 1st summer male Red-footed Falcon at Hickling Broad reported yesterday and we were hoping to see that and some Swallowtails too. As we got out of the minibus at the NWT car park, several Willow Warblers were singing in the trees nearby and the Peacocks at the next door animal rescue charity were calling too (unfortunately that one doesn’t count!).

We set off down towards the track to Stubb Mill, which was where the falcon had been, stopping on the corner for our first scan. We could immediately see several distant Hobbys in the dead trees out in the reedbed. As we had hoped, the falcons were yet to really get going, with the cloudy start to the day. We could see a small group of other birders further up Whiteslea track, on the bank, looking for the Red-footed Falcon.

We were just debating which way to go, when we noticed a local birder walking back along the track towards us, so we asked him for an update. He told us there was no sign of the Red-footed Falcon this morning and he also suggested that most of the later reports yesterday related to misidentified Hobbys. So it looked increasingly like it hadn’t roosted in the trees here with the Hobbys overnight as we had thought it might have done, and had probably moved swiftly through yesterday. He did tell us about some Garganey on the pools, and we figured we would continue on down the track towards Stubb Mill to see what else we could see.

A couple of Common Whitethroats were flitting around in the bushes by the track ahead of us as we walked along. We had just stopped opposite the second of the pools to scan for the Garganey, when one of the group spotted a Common Crane flying in over the fields behind us. It disappeared behind the trees then reappeared over the track ahead of us, flying out over the pools, before circling round and dropping down into reedbed beyond. A nice start.

Common Crane – flew in

There were lots of hirundines and Swifts hawking low over the pools, including several Sand Martins. It was a good opportunity to compare them with the House Martins. A Common Buzzard and a Marsh Harrier circled high over the trees behind us now. A small group of Black-tailed Godwits were roosting on the short grass by the water. Several Lapwings were flying round calling, and there were a few Avocets out here too.

Most of the ducks were asleep, mainly Gadwall and a few Mallard, plus a single Wigeon and a couple of Teal out on the water beyond. Scanning carefully, we finally found the Garganey, two exclipse drakes in their drabber, female-like plumage, also asleep. For no apparent reason, one of the Avocet decided to run at them, and they woke up briefly, then moving further towards the bank where we couldn’t really get a clear view of them any more. Very helpful of the Avocet!

One of the group was looking at four distant Greylags flying over the back of the reedbed and noticed a large brown bird below. It was a Bittern flying across. Unfortunately it quickly dropped back down into the reeds before all the rest of the group could get on it.

We continued on to where track goes up onto the bank. We were a bit closer to the dead trees and had better views of the Hobbys from here, although it was starting to brighten up and the Hobbys were becoming more active, flying up hawking for insects.

We could see a pair of Ringed Plovers on one of the islands on the pool in front of us, one of which looked to be incubating. They were noticeably paler above than the tundrae Ringed Plovers we had seen at Titchwell yesterday. There were also a couple of Redshank on here and a couple of Common Terns flew over. A Bittern appeared again, from behind the dead trees over the reeds at the back, but again it was distant and hard to pick up against the trees.

We decided to walk back and up the track towards Bittern Hide, hoping for a better view of its namesake. There were several dragonflies flying around now – Four-spotted Chasers – and more damselflies in the vegetation by the path, including Large Red, Azure and Blue-tailed Damselflies.

Blue-tailed Damselfly – warming up

We walked up Whiteslea Track now, and a Treecreeper was singing in the trees as we passed. We took the path up onto the bank and scanned the pool, picking up an Egyptian Goose from round on this side. Then we continued on towards the hide. A Bittern flew up again, but again was only up for couple of seconds and some of the group still hadn’t seen one, so we stood for a while on the corner before Bittern Hide. We scanned the reeds, but it didn’t reappear. Four more Cranes circled up slowly in the distance. Behind us, we could see the edge of the front which had brought all the cloud and the skies slowly cleared from the west to sunshine.

We heard Bearded Tits pinging and turned to see a couple fly across the ditch in front of us. A female perched in the edge for a few seconds. Some more Bearded Tits were calling further along, in the reeds by the path, and the male climbed up briefly into the tops, before flying and dropping back in. It seemed like they might have young in here. A couple of times the male flew out across the track and then back in with food.

Bearded Tit – the female in the reeds

It was time to head back for lunch now. We had seen an adult Black-headed Gull walking around on the top of the bank earlier, which seemed odd, and now we realised why. A fluffy Black-headed Gull chick had walked out of the long grass on the edge of the path. We waited for it to go back in before we walked on. A female Common Blue butterfly was nectaring on a buttercup.

Common Blue butterfly – a female

We cut across on the path through the wood, back to the Visitor Centre. There were several Four-spotted Chasers warming themselves on the brambles here in the sunshine. A male Reed Bunting was gathering food and flew across into a dead tree. A Common Whitethroat flitted in and out of the trees ahead of us.

Four-spotted Chaser – basking in the sunshine

We had our lunch in the picnic area in the sunshine. A Garden Warbler was singing in the trees nearby briefly. Our initial plan was to go somewhere different after lunch, but we had to be back early and didn’t have much time now, and figured we could look for Swallowtails here and maybe have another chance for the members of the group who had not caught any of the Bittern flights earlier.

It was warm now, as we set off again. We walked the other way round the reserve this time, out past the hides, towards the Broad, following the Covid one-way system. A couple of Reed Warblers showed well in the young reeds next to path. When we stopped to look at a male Reed Bunting singing in the top of a dead tree, a Great Spotted Woodpecker flew out of the trees behind and overhead.

We stopped to scan one of the overgrown ditches. There were several more dragonflies here, including a Hairy Dragonfly as well as more Four-spotted Chasers. A small shoal of Common Rudd was in the open water amongst the marestail.

Common Rudd – in one of the ditches

We stopped again at the first viewpoint overlooking the Broad. There were lots of Mute Swans out on the water, but not much else – often the way with the actual Broads themselves. A Marsh Harrier circled over in the sunshine. Continuing along the path, several Willow Warblers were calling in the sallows, collecting food, and one perched right in the top of an alder, singing.

Willow Warbler – in the sallows

We were struggling at first to find any Swallowtails or any flowers out for them to nectar on. Everything is very late this year after the cold spring. Finally, along the path towards the Observation Hide a Swallowtail flew in. But it carried on straight past us, flying very quickly ahead of us along the path. We tried to follow to see if it might land, but then it turned behind some sallows out of view and by the time we got there we had lost track of it.

We had yet another brief glimpse of a Bittern flying over the reeds, over by Bittern Hide, so we decided to head straight round that way. We popped into the hide. The reeds which had been cut in front of the hide are now growing up fast and making it harder to see anything on there. We were running out of time slightly, as we had to be back early today ahead of our evening foray later, but we decided to have a quick rest in the hide, before heading back to car park.

Scanning the dead trees in the distance through binoculars, there were still one or two Hobbys around. When a falcon flew out head on towards us we assumed it was just another Hobby, but it looked to have a rather pale crown and head which appeared to catch the sun, unlike the dark hood of a Hobby or a male Red-footed Falcon (like yesterday’s). But there was a lot of heat haze now and it was a long way off, so we figured we were imagining it. It turned and landed back in the dead trees out of view behind a branch.

It flew out again, another short sally after insects, and it really did look to have a pale head. As it turned to head back to the trees, it looked to have pale orangey underparts too. It couldn’t be though could it? Yesterday’s Red-footed Falcon was a 1st summer male and this one looked like a female. It lLanded again, and this time we realised we needed to get it in the scope quickly. Now we could confirm what we thought we had seen – it was a female Red-footed Falcon!

Red-footed Falcon – we found a female

The Red-footed Falcon was distant and there was a lot of heat haze, but we could see it did have a pale head, orange on top, whiter on the cheeks, with a thin black mask and small moustache. The back and wings looked rather dark grey and the underparts pale orangey-buff. It kept doing little sallies from the trees, shorter flights than the Hobbys, with more gliding, and quick bursts of wingbeats when chasing prey. It even did a brief hover. At one point it landed in the same tree as one of the Hobbys, and was noticeably a little smaller, more compact.

We had come to see someone else’s Red-footed Falcon, been disappointed to find it gone, but then found our own. Hickling is a good site for them and hosted multiple birds just last year, presumably the gathering of Hobbys helping to pull in passing birds. We put the news out – but when we went outside and onto the bank we could see everyone else had long since given up and gone. We were thinking it might be a bit closer from bank, but there was still lots of heat haze. Still what a great bird!

Unfortunately it was really time to go now, or we would be late for our early evening meal. As we set off to walk back, another Swallowtail flew past. This time it turned in front of us and looked like it might land on the flowers growing on the bank. It meant we had a better view, but it changed it’s mind and flew off rather than land. Then it was a quick walk back to the car park and a long drive back home, albeit with a spring in our steps!

Nightjar Evening

After a break and something to eat, we met again early evening. We went looking for Little Owls first. We checked out some barns by the road, but there was no sign. So we tried another site and immediately spotted one perched on the roof half way down one of the barns, enjoying the evening sunshine. We got it in the scope.

While we were watching it, another Little Owl flew across in front, disappearing into the trees nearby. After a few seconds it came back out and landed on the ground by the barns, running around looking for food on the concrete. It then flew up again, then across to the other side, perching on the near edge of the roof the other side. Great views.

Little Owl – hunting around the barns

We dropped down towards the coast to look for Barn Owls next. It was a lovely evening, and we heard several Yellowhammers singing through the open windows as we drove down the country lanes. We drove a quick circuit round via some meadows where they like to hunt, without any success, so we parked up nearby and walked up onto the seawall to scan the marshes. At first, we couldn’t find any owls – but we did see several Brown Hares and a pair of Grey Partridge down in the grass. A Song Thrush was singing from the trees on the far side.

Then a Barn Owl appeared out of the trees, the regular very white one, nicknamed ‘Casper’, which is well known here. It started hunting around a recently cut grass field, we watched it fly round, drop into the grass a couple of times, then come back up. It disappeared behind some trees and looked like it had gone off in the other direction, but then reappeared and flew back towards us. It came much closer, flying past us over the reeds and out along the bank across the marshes. It landed briefly, and we thought about going out for a closer look, but it quickly too off again as some people walked past and we watched it head out away from us.

Barn Owl – ‘Casper’, the white one

It was time to head up to the heath. The sun had already gone down and the temperature was dropping when we arrived and got out of the minibus. We set off out onto the middle of the heath, and we were not even already in position when we heard our first Nightjar churring. We got out of the edge of the trees just in time to hear it stop and take off wing-clapping. We could see it flying round over the gorse further up, and watched it drop down behind the vegetation ahead of us. We walked quickly on down the path but when we got to the area it had seemed to drop, it had disappeared.

Another Nightjar started churring now, right out in the middle. We stopped to listen to it, such an evocative sound, of summer evenings on the heaths. For some time we could only hear one. It flew round at one point – the churring stopped and we heard it wing-clapping as it took off. Then it flew back to the trees where it had been and resumed churring.

When another Nightjar started up behind us, it sounded closer. We walked on to see if we locate this one, but it was still too far from path to give us a chance to find it. A fourth male then started churring in the distance, and we stood and listened to the two of them for a couple of minutes. A Woodcock flew over roding – we could hear its squeaky call, and looked up to see it fly over with exaggerated slow wingbeats. A Tawny Owl called from the trees.

The first male Nightjar we had seen earlier started churring again, so we walked back. It was getting darker now, so we couldn’t see where it was perched on the edge of the trees. It took off and we watched two Nightjars chasing each other through the tops, silhouetted against the last of the light in the sky. One came back down into the gorse not far from us, and we had a quick view of it flying round lower as it broke the skyline. Then it went quiet again.

One of the other Nightjars was still churring out in the middle. We stood and listened to that for a couple more minutes, a lovely way to while away a summer’s evening. Then it was time to head back – it had been a long day, and we had another busy one ahead tomorrow. As we walked off the heath, we were serenaded by another of the Nightjars churring. It was in a tree above the path but too dark to see it perched now. As we walked underneath, we watched it fly out, dropping down out across the Heath.

31st May 2021 – A Day at the Fen

A Private Tour to go looking for Hobbys, and anything else we could find, at Lakenheath Fen today. It was a lovely warm sunny day – the first really warm day we have had for some time – with a light easterly breeze.

We met mid-morning in the car park. As we walked up towards the Visitor Centre, a Willow Warbler was singing in the trees and helpfully flew in to a oak right next to the path, where we were standing. While we queued to get in, we could hear two Cuckoos calling, one either side. Then we headed straight out onto the reserve – we had to be back to meet someone for lunch, so we planned to make a quick dash out to Joist Fen and back.

Willow Warbler – singing above our heads

Walking up the track, we kept stopping to listen to various warblers singing. A Reed Warbler was singing half-heartedly from a sallow by the path, where we could see it flitting around, before it dropped down into the reeds and started to sing more strongly. A couple of Common Whitethroats flitted around a little further along. A Cetti’s Warbler shouted at us from the reeds. A Blackcap was singing in the poplars.

We stopped at the viewpoint at New Fen. A pair of Great Crested Grebes looked like they might be displaying – facing each other, one and then the other preened a feather on their backs, then one picked up a piece of weed from the water, but changed its mind and threw it away. Both then swam forward, snorkelling, but it came to nothing.

A pair of Bearded Tits flew low across the water and disappeared into the reeds. Another Cuckoo had been calling in the poplars behind us, but now came out onto the edge, high in the tops. We just had a quick look at it, before it flew deeper in again, chasing after another Cuckoo. A couple of Marsh Harriers circled over the reeds, and a very distant Hobby was high over the trees on the other side of the river but it was impossible to get onto it. A promising start though.

A Bittern boomed. It sounded like it was quite close, so we walked up to the dragonfly platform to see if we could find it, but two people were already there and said it was still hidden in the reeds. We stopped and scanned, but couldn’t see anything either. We decided to head on to Joist Fen. We paused to watch two female Marsh Harriers as they circled up calling, and then noticed a male coming in high carrying something in its talons. It circled with one of the females and then passed the food to her. There were lots of dragonflies in the reeds by the path and flying back and forth in front of us – several Scarce Chasers and a couple of Hairy Dragonflies.

Scarce Chaser – basking on a reed stem

It is always a nice place to sit out at the Joist Fen Viewpoint, and as we rested out legs we spotted a Hobby out over the reeds. It was already quite distant, but as we watched it, we realised there were lots more Hobbys much further back still, very high up, and hawking for insects. We counted at least 17, but some were little more specks and they were very dispersed, so there were probably more. Mission accomplished in finding some Hobbys, but we would have liked better views.

There were more Marsh Harriers, distant too, and a Cormorant on its usual post out in the reeds. Then we got a message to stay the person we were meeting had arrived. It was a quick walk back and then a break for lunch on one of the picnic tables in the shade of the trees.

After lunch, we headed out again, this time up to the Washland Viewpoint. There was a good selection of ducks out on the water, including two drake Garganey. One was still in full breeding plumage, but the other was already moulting, well on its way to drab eclipse plumage, with a patch of grey feathers on the flank and a hint of the white stripe over the eye. There were a few waders here too – a few Avocets, some Lapwings and a Redshank. A male Stonechat was perched on the vegetation just across the river.

Marsh Harrier – circled over the river bank

Walking on up the river bank, a Grey Heron flew past the other side. We could hear Cuckoos calling and Reed Warblers and one or two Sedge Warblers still singing. As we passed New Fen, a Marsh Harrier flew in from the other side of the river and circled right beside us, before flying round us to get to the Fen.

As we got to the far side of West Wood, a Bittern appeared from behind the bushes and flew round over the reeds, across in front of the trees, and dropped back in again further back.

Bittern – good flight views

We dropped down off the river bank to Joist Fen Viewpoint again for a rest. The Hobbys were still there, still very distant. So we decided to try our luck walking further down the river bank, so see if we could get some closer views. As we walked on along the bank, a Lesser Whitethroat was rattling in the bushes. A closer Hobby appeared briefly from behind the poplars, but by the time we got out of the trees, it had disappeared. Still it was encouraging.

We could still see several Hobbys further up, so we walked on a bit further. A Cuckoo was calling in the bushes by the path and we stopped to look at it in the scope. Suddenly four or five Hobbys drifted back our way and started hunting for dragonflies over the reeds. The wind picked up a little, and one or two of them came in low over the river, really close now. We stood and watched as they caught and ate their prey right in front of us and even right overhead at one point. Stunning views!

Hobby – stunning views
Hobby – almost over our heads
Hobby – we were being watched too!
Hobby – supremely fast & aerodynamic
Hobby vs dragonfly – homing in
Hobby vs dragonfly – brace for impact
Hobby vs dragonfly – there could only be one winner!

We spent about an hour marvelling at the Hobbys catching dragonflies in front of us. Then we had to tear ourselves away – it was time to head back. A Common Tern was feeding along the river too. A Great Spotted Woodpecker was calling in West Wood as we passed. A Cuckoo flew right over our heads by Trial Wood and the Common Swifts were lower now over New Fen in the breeze.

Cuckoo – flew right over our heads

A very memorable few hours at Lakenheath Fen!